dbx Pro 166XL manual Input/Output Cable Configurations, Installation Considerations

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Sound Reinforcement

To compress a live mix or to protect loudspeakers, connect the 166XL between the source (mixing board or distribution amp) and the power amp(s). If multi-way loudspeakers with low-level electronic crossovers are used, the 166XL(s) should go after the crossover(s). For a stereo system, you can separately stereo couple the two high band crossovers, low band crossovers, etc. If limitations require that you use a single 166XL channel before a crossover, adding an equalizer to the sidechain may provide some additional protection to your high frequency components (see ÒSpeaker Protection,Ó page 8).


Input/Output Cable Configurations

Hookups and Cabling

The 166XL is a balanced (differential) unit designed for nominal +4dBu or -10dBV levels; inputs and outputs are 1/4Ó tip/ring/sleeve (TRS) phone jacks and XLR-type jacks. The 166XL can be used with either balanced or unbalanced sources and outputs can be used with either balanced or unbalanced loads, provided you use proper cabling.

A balanced line is defined as two-conductor shielded cable with the two center conductors carrying the same signal but of opposite polarity with respect to ground. An unbalanced line is generally a single-conductor shielded cable with the cen- ter conductor carrying the signal and the shield at ground potential.

Input Cable Configurations

The 166XL has an actual input impedance of >40k½ in balanced or unbalanced configurations. This makes the 166XL audio input suitable for use with virtually any source impedance, low or high. The 166XLÕs input jacks are wired in paral- lel. The phone jack TIP (+) connection is internally wired to the XLR pin 2, the RING (-) is wired to pin 3, and the SLEEVE (shield) is wired to pin 1. Note that pins 2 and 3 are the reverse of certain older dbx and other manufacturerÕs equipment, but if the same connection is used at both the input and the output, the signal will be correctly polarized (Òin phaseÓ).

Reversing the input wires to the input terminals will result in the output signal polarity being the opposite of the input signal (Ò180û out of phaseÓ).

Output Cable Considerations

The model 166XLÕs outputs are wired in parallel: either the XLR-type OUTPUT jack or the 1/4Ó stereo phone jack are capable of driving a 600½ load. The phone jack TIP (+) connection is internally wired to the XLR pin 2, the RING (-) is wired to pin 3, and the SLEEVE (shield) is wired to pin 1. Note that pins 2 and 3 are the reverse of certain older dbx and other manufacturerÕs equipment, but if the same connection is used at both the input and the output, the signal will be cor- rectly polarized (Òin phaseÓ).



Figure 4: Signal Flow (Balanced Connection)


For maximum hum rejection with a balanced source, avoid common grounding at the 166XLÕs input and output. Most balanced (3-conductor) cables have the shield connected at both ends. This can result in ground loops which cause hum. If hum is a problem, try disconnecting the shield on one or more of your cables, preferably at the input of a device, not at the output: Ground the shield of the input cable at the source device (leaving it unconnected at the 166XLÕs INPUT) and ground the shield of the output cable to the ground terminal of the 166XL (leaving it unconnected at the receiving device). The shield is pin 1 on the XLR, SLEEVE on a 1/4Ó TRS.


The 166XL is an all-solid-state product with components chosen for high performance and excellent reliability. Each 166XL is designed, assembled, tested, burned in and calibrated at the factory in the USA and should require no internal adjustment of any type throughout the life of the unit. We recommend that your 166XL be returned to the factory only after referring to the manual and consulting with Customer Service.

Our phone number, fax number and address are listed on the rear cover. When you contact dbx Customer Service, be

Image 14
Contents Model 166XL Declaration of Conformity Manual Contents EnglishInspection EXPANDER/GATE SectionIntroduction Operating ControlsCompressor Section Compressor Attack and Release Control Auto Switch and LEDCompressor Ratio Control Output Gain ControlRear Panel Limiter SectionMaster Section Expander/Gate Applications Operating NotesSmoothing Out Variations in Microphone Levels Frequency-Sensitive GatingBasic Compressor Applications Fattening Kick Drums and Compressing Other DrumsPreventing Digital Overload Raising a Signal Out of a MixPreventing Analog Tape Saturation Raising Average Level in PA SystemsDe-Essing Frequency-Weighted Compression Sidechain Application166XL as a Line Amplifier Connecting the 166XL to Your System Basic ConnectionMixing Board Using the Sidechain InsertSpecific System Connections Patch BayTechnical SUPPORT, Factory Service Input/Output Cable ConfigurationsInstallation Considerations Registration Card and User Feedback Shipping InstructionsSection Compresseur CommandesSection NOISE/GATE Face AvantRŽglage des Temps Dattaque et de Relachement Commande RatioTouche Overeasy Output Gain gain de sortie Section Limiteur DE CretesTouche Automatique Touche et tŽmoin BypassSection Master Panneau ArrireSection Expander/Gate Commande ˆ dŽclenchement externeCommande de porte en fonction de la frŽquence Modification de la qualitŽ du sonUtilisations ŽlŽmentaires du circuit de compression Lissage des variations de niveau dÕun microEmpcher la surcharge numŽrique Faire ressortir un signal dans un son mixŽEmpcher la saturation de la bande dÕenregistrement Compression pondŽrŽe en frŽquence insertion Sidechain Augmentation du niveau moyen des systmes de sonorisationUtilisation du 166XL comme amplificateur de ligne Raccordement gŽnŽral Raccordement DU 166XL AU Systeme DE SonorisationTable de mixage Utilisation du circuit Sidechain InsertRaccordement ˆ des dispositifs particuliers Dispatching Configurations de c‰blage entrŽe/sortieConfigurations de c‰blage de lÕentrŽe AmplificationMise ˆ la terre Assistance Technique ET Service UsineConsidŽrations de c‰blage de sortie ExpŽditionGarantiebedingungen EinleitungKontrolle KOMPRESSOR-Sektion BedienelementeEXPANDER/GATE-Sektion FrontplatteCompressor ATTACK- und RELEASE-Regler OVEREASY-TasteCompressor RATIO-Regler Output GAIN-Regler LIMITER-SektionAUTO-Taste BYPASS-Taste und -LEDsMASTER-Sektion RŸckseiteExpander/Gate-Anwendungen BedienungshinweiseGrundlegende Kompressor-Anwendungen Ausgleichen von Pegelschwankungen bei MikrofonenVermeidung von †bersteuerungen bei digitalen Aufnahmen Hervorheben eines Signals aus der MischungVermeidung von BandsŠttigung LautsprecherschutzDer dbx 166XL als LeitungsverstŠrker Frequenzselektive KompressionAllgemeine Hinweise ANSCHLIE§EN DES DBX 166XL AN Ihre AnlageMischpult Sidechain INSERT-BuchseVerkabelung fŸr spezielle Anwendungen Beschaltung der Ein- und AusgŠnge ANSCHLU§HINWEISEService UND Kundendienst Registrierungs- und AntwortkarteIntroduccion InspeccionSecci-n de EXPANDER/GATE expansor/compuerta GarantiaControles Operativos Panel DelanteroSecci-n de Compressor circuito de compresi-n Conmutador Auto Control AttackControl Release Control de Output Gain ganancia de salidaPanel Trasero Secci-n Limiter limitadorSecci-n Master Modificaci-n de la calidad del sonido Aplicaciones del circuito expansor/de compuertaNotas Para EL Operador Jack de Sidechain Insert circuito de inserci-nAplicaciones b‡sicas de la compresi-n Mando externoMando de compuerta en funci-n de la frecuencia Suavizaci-n de las variaciones de nivel de un micr-fonoMo hacer resaltar una se-al de una mezcla Prevenci-n de saturaci-n de la cinta magnŽticaPrevenci-n de la sobrecarga digital Uso dl 166XL como amplificador de l’neaSistemas de altoparlantes de m‡ltiples v’as Reducci-n de los sonidos sibilantesSostenimiento de la se-al Uso de un filtro en el circuito Sidechain Conexiones b‡sicasConexion DEL 166XL AL Sistema DE Sonido Preacentuaci-n para las aplicaciones de difusi-nTablero de conexiones Çpatch bayÈ Conexiones a dispositivos espec’ficosConsola de mezcla Reforzamiento de sonido Configuraci-n de cables de entrada/salidaConsideraciones Para LA Instalacion Instalaci-n elŽctricaAsistencia TƒCNICA Y Servicio DE Fabrica Tarjeta de registro y comentarios de los usuariosFemale XLR-TYPE to Stereo Phone Plug Specifications Cmrr0dBu =0.775Vrms Dbx 166XL Compressor / Gate Page Harman International Company