dbx Pro 166XL manual Frequency-Sensitive Gating, Basic Compressor Applications

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ating perfectly in-sync playing and overdubbing among individual instruments or ÒfatteningÓ a dynamically weak track). To create two distinct channels of bass guitar for your mix (by splitting the bass signal into two channels and syn- chronizing one channel of bass guitar with the kick drum), start by feeding one channel of bass directly into the mix and the other into the 166XLÕs INPUT. Then key the gate with a signal from the kick drum (connected to the SIDECHAIN INSERT - adjust controls as needed). The gated bass track will now open with each kick, adding punch and dynamics.

This can really tighten up the tracks and add life to the mix.

Another example of keyed gating is using the drum signal to key an oscillator which is set to an appropriate frequen- cy to ÒtuneÓ and Òpunch upÓ the drum sound.

Note: For all keyed gating applications, be aware to adjust the compressor accordingly or bypass it by setting the Compressor RATIO fully counter- clockwise to 1:1

Frequency-Sensitive Gating

Frequency-sensitive gating lets you use the SIDECHAIN INSERT to tune the response of the gating action. For example, if youÕre gating a kick drum in a track with lots of leakage, you can tune in to the frequency of the kick with an outboard EQ and the gate will respond only to that drum. Feed the kick drum signal both directly into the gate and also through an equalizer which is connected to the SIDECHAIN INSERT. With the equalizer adjusted so that only the desired signal is strong at the SIDECHAIN INSERT, the gate becomes even more selective in opening.

Basic Compressor Applications

Note: Control settings for each application are suggested as a starting point. Adjust them for your requirements. In general, the “smoothest” compres- sion is achieved with the OVEREASY and AUTO buttons In, while the most “aggressive” compression is achieved with a Hard Knee fast setting (i.e., OVEREASY button Out with fast ATTACK and RELEASE times).

To compress a mix, begin with a low RATIO setting, THRESHOLD set for a few dB of Gain Reduction, and SLOW Attack and Release, OVEREASY and CONTOUR buttons In.

Smoothing Out Variations in Microphone Levels

Variations in signal level can occur when the distance between a vocalist and a mic changes, or when the dynamics of a voice changes relative to a vocalistÕs range. To smooth out these variations, start with the 166XL in OverEasy mode (OVEREASY button In) with a medium attack time and a fairly slow release time and adjusted for a low to medi- um compression RATIO (e.g., 4:1). Many people prefer the use of AUTO mode for vocals rather than setting the attack and release controls manually. Adjust the THRESHOLD control so that the GAIN REDUCTION meters show 6dB to 10dB of gain reduction, then increase the RATIO if necessary. Due to the gentle OverEasy characteristic of your 166XL you will find that even fairly high ratios are handled transparently. If the lower energy of the vocals is compressed too much (e.g., if the voice sounds too thin or its lower register presence is lost), press the CONTOUR button In to allow more of the original low energy to pass through the 166XL unaffected.

Smoothing Out Variations (and Increasing Sustain) in Musical Instrument Levels (e.g., Bass Guitar, Electric Guitar, Synthesizer)

To achieve a smoother electric (or electronic) bass sound, compress the instrumentÕs output with a RATIO of approximately 4:1, then adjust the THRESHOLD control for 10dB to 12dB of gain reduction. Compression lessens the loudness variations among the strings and increases the bassÕ inherent sustain. Other instruments, such as horns, vary in loudness depending on the note being played, and benefit similarly. Note that if the compressed bass sounds smooth, but too thin for your needs, try pressing In the CONTOUR button to thicken the sound.

To control untimely volume shifts in ÒhotÓ guitar or synth parts and to keep them from overloading your tape deck or mixer during recording and live performances, start with a slow Hard Knee compression, the RATIO at approximately 5:1 and the THRESHOLD set to the average maximum level of the track - this will ensure that only the offending ÒhotÓ part is compressed. Use CONTOUR, if necessary.

To add sustain to guitar or synthesizer string sounds, begin with a higher RATIO (from 10:1 to °:1), then adjust the THRESHOLD control to taste. For example, to alter the envelope of a synthesizer sound that has a bite on its attack, but ends with a long release time, begin by playing slow, but steady, synth stabs or chords, while compressing the sound heavily (with a higher RATIO). Heavy compression of guitars and synths, as they are being recorded to digital formats, can often help revive their sense of Òanalog life.Ó

Fattening Kick Drums and Compressing Other Drums

Weak, flabby kick drums often have too much boom, and not enough slap. To tighten them up, start with the 166XL adjusted for a medium to high RATIO (e.g., 6:1), adjust the THRESHOLD control so that the GAIN REDUCTION meters show 15dB of gain reduction, then increase the RATIO if necessary. In OverEasy mode, the 166XL takes slight- ly longer to react than in Hard Knee mode, and will therefore emphasize the slap at the beginning of the note and reduce the boominess of its body. The 166XL also works well for tightening snare drums and tom toms and can be used with drum machines to effectively alter the character of any electronic drum sound.

Cymbals and tom-toms can be effectively compressed (using the 166XLÕs Sidechain) to help prevent analog tape sat-

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Contents Model 166XL Declaration of Conformity English Manual ContentsIntroduction EXPANDER/GATE SectionInspection Operating ControlsCompressor Section Compressor Ratio Control Auto Switch and LEDCompressor Attack and Release Control Output Gain ControlLimiter Section Master SectionRear Panel Operating Notes Expander/Gate ApplicationsBasic Compressor Applications Frequency-Sensitive GatingSmoothing Out Variations in Microphone Levels Fattening Kick Drums and Compressing Other DrumsPreventing Analog Tape Saturation Raising a Signal Out of a MixPreventing Digital Overload Raising Average Level in PA SystemsFrequency-Weighted Compression Sidechain Application 166XL as a Line AmplifierDe-Essing Basic Connection Connecting the 166XL to Your SystemSpecific System Connections Using the Sidechain InsertMixing Board Patch BayInput/Output Cable Configurations Installation ConsiderationsTechnical SUPPORT, Factory Service Shipping Instructions Registration Card and User FeedbackSection NOISE/GATE CommandesSection Compresseur Face AvantCommande Ratio Touche OvereasyRŽglage des Temps Dattaque et de Relachement Touche Automatique Section Limiteur DE CretesOutput Gain gain de sortie Touche et tŽmoin BypassPanneau Arrire Section MasterCommande de porte en fonction de la frŽquence Commande ˆ dŽclenchement externeSection Expander/Gate Modification de la qualitŽ du sonLissage des variations de niveau dÕun micro Utilisations ŽlŽmentaires du circuit de compressionFaire ressortir un signal dans un son mixŽ Empcher la saturation de la bande dÕenregistrementEmpcher la surcharge numŽrique Augmentation du niveau moyen des systmes de sonorisation Utilisation du 166XL comme amplificateur de ligneCompression pondŽrŽe en frŽquence insertion Sidechain Raccordement DU 166XL AU Systeme DE Sonorisation Raccordement gŽnŽralUtilisation du circuit Sidechain Insert Raccordement ˆ des dispositifs particuliersTable de mixage Configurations de c‰blage de lÕentrŽe Configurations de c‰blage entrŽe/sortieDispatching AmplificationConsidŽrations de c‰blage de sortie Assistance Technique ET Service UsineMise ˆ la terre ExpŽditionEinleitung KontrolleGarantiebedingungen EXPANDER/GATE-Sektion BedienelementeKOMPRESSOR-Sektion FrontplatteOVEREASY-Taste Compressor RATIO-ReglerCompressor ATTACK- und RELEASE-Regler AUTO-Taste LIMITER-SektionOutput GAIN-Regler BYPASS-Taste und -LEDsRŸckseite MASTER-SektionBedienungshinweise Expander/Gate-AnwendungenAusgleichen von Pegelschwankungen bei Mikrofonen Grundlegende Kompressor-AnwendungenVermeidung von BandsŠttigung Hervorheben eines Signals aus der MischungVermeidung von †bersteuerungen bei digitalen Aufnahmen LautsprecherschutzFrequenzselektive Kompression Der dbx 166XL als LeitungsverstŠrkerANSCHLIE§EN DES DBX 166XL AN Ihre Anlage Allgemeine HinweiseSidechain INSERT-Buchse Verkabelung fŸr spezielle AnwendungenMischpult ANSCHLU§HINWEISE Beschaltung der Ein- und AusgŠngeRegistrierungs- und Antwortkarte Service UND KundendienstInspeccion IntroduccionControles Operativos GarantiaSecci-n de EXPANDER/GATE expansor/compuerta Panel DelanteroSecci-n de Compressor circuito de compresi-n Control Release Control AttackConmutador Auto Control de Output Gain ganancia de salidaSecci-n Limiter limitador Secci-n MasterPanel Trasero Notas Para EL Operador Aplicaciones del circuito expansor/de compuertaModificaci-n de la calidad del sonido Jack de Sidechain Insert circuito de inserci-nMando de compuerta en funci-n de la frecuencia Mando externoAplicaciones b‡sicas de la compresi-n Suavizaci-n de las variaciones de nivel de un micr-fonoPrevenci-n de saturaci-n de la cinta magnŽtica Mo hacer resaltar una se-al de una mezclaUso dl 166XL como amplificador de l’nea Prevenci-n de la sobrecarga digitalReducci-n de los sonidos sibilantes Sostenimiento de la se-alSistemas de altoparlantes de m‡ltiples v’as Conexion DEL 166XL AL Sistema DE Sonido Conexiones b‡sicasUso de un filtro en el circuito Sidechain Preacentuaci-n para las aplicaciones de difusi-nConexiones a dispositivos espec’ficos Consola de mezclaTablero de conexiones Çpatch bayÈ Consideraciones Para LA Instalacion Configuraci-n de cables de entrada/salidaReforzamiento de sonido Instalaci-n elŽctricaTarjeta de registro y comentarios de los usuarios Asistencia TƒCNICA Y Servicio DE FabricaFemale XLR-TYPE to Stereo Phone Plug Cmrr Specifications0dBu =0.775Vrms Dbx 166XL Compressor / Gate Page Harman International Company