dbx Pro 166XL manual Compressor Section

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Note: The 166XL’s expansion ratio is internally fixed, at approximately 10:1. This ratio helps to eliminate the artifacts normally associated with common switch gates. Attenuation is >50dB.


This switch enables the 1/4Ó TRS connector of the sidechain, allowing external processing of the detector signal. It has no effect if there is nothing plugged into the sidechain loop; however the switch will still light indicating the sidechain is enabled.

Expander/Gate RELEASE Control:

This control determines the rate at which the gate closes once the signal at the INPUT or SIDECHAIN INSERT falls below the threshold. SLOW settings are useful for gating out noise present behind vocals and acoustic instruments. FAST settings are useful for tightening up the sound of percussion (e.g., kick or snare drum) and drying up leakage from other instruments into percussion tracks.

Note: The gate release rate is “accelerating” in that the dB/Sec rate continually increases as the gate closes.

CONTOUR Button and LED:

Depress this button to make the 166XLÕs detection circuitry less sensitive to low frequency energy, preventing this energy from Òpunching holesÓ in the sound, especially with mixed program. With the CONTOUR button Out, the 166XLÕs detector is frequency-independent. The CONTOUR LED turns On when the CONTOUR button is depressed.



This meter displays how much the signal is being attenuated by the compressor and the gate.

Compressor THRESHOLD LEDs:

These three LEDs indicate the relationship of the input signal level to the threshold of compression. The green BELOW LED is On when the signal is below threshold and the red ABOVE LED is On when the signal is above threshold. When the 166XL is switched to OverEasy mode, the yellow LED is On when the signal is in the OverEasy region (See Figure 2).

Note: Even though no input signal is being applied, it is normal for the LEDs to flicker when the power is applied or removed.

Compressor THRESHOLD Control:

Adjust this knob to set the threshold of compression from -40dBu (7.8mVrms) to +20dBu (7.8Vrms). Setting the Compressor THRESHOLD control to +20dB will prevent all but the highest level peaks from being compressed. (Setting the Compressor RATIO to 1:1 will turn the Compressor off, regardless of the setting of the Compressor THRESHOLD control.)

In Hard Knee mode (OVEREASY button out), the THRESHOLD sets a reference level above which input signals will be processed by the 166XLÕs gain change circuitry in the manner defined by the setting of the RATIO control. Input signals which fall below this level will pass through the 166XL unprocessed (except for fixed gain changes direct- ed by the OUTPUT GAIN control). See Figure 1.

In OverEasy mode (OVEREASY button depressed), signals begin to gradually activate the 166XLÕs gain change cir- cuitry as they approach the THRESHOLD reference level and they do not get fully processed in the manner defined by the RATIO control until they have passed somewhat above the THRESHOLD reference level. In OverEasy mode there is no distinct point at which processing begins, and the THRESHOLD setting corresponds to a point on the input/output transfer curve midway between the onset of processing and that point at which the transfer curve corresponds to the set- ting of the RATIO control. Figure 2 shows the OverEasy compression curves and how they correlate with the THRESH- OLD LEDs.

OVEREASY Button and LED:

Depress this button to select the OverEasy¨ compression characteristic. The yellow THRESHOLD LED turns On when the signal is in the OverEasy region. When this button is in the Out position, the 166XL operates as a hard knee compressor/limiter. (Yellow OverEasy LED is active only in OverEasy Mode.)

In Hard Knee mode, the threshold of compression is defined as that point above which the output level no longer changes on a 1:1 basis with changes in the input level. See Figure 1.

In OverEasy mode, the threshold of compression is defined as the middle of the OverEasy threshold region, that is, Òhalf-wayÓ into compression, as shown in Figure 2.

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Contents Model 166XL Declaration of Conformity English Manual ContentsIntroduction EXPANDER/GATE SectionInspection Operating ControlsCompressor Section Compressor Ratio Control Auto Switch and LEDCompressor Attack and Release Control Output Gain ControlRear Panel Limiter SectionMaster Section Operating Notes Expander/Gate ApplicationsBasic Compressor Applications Frequency-Sensitive GatingSmoothing Out Variations in Microphone Levels Fattening Kick Drums and Compressing Other DrumsPreventing Analog Tape Saturation Raising a Signal Out of a MixPreventing Digital Overload Raising Average Level in PA SystemsDe-Essing Frequency-Weighted Compression Sidechain Application166XL as a Line Amplifier Basic Connection Connecting the 166XL to Your SystemSpecific System Connections Using the Sidechain InsertMixing Board Patch BayTechnical SUPPORT, Factory Service Input/Output Cable ConfigurationsInstallation Considerations Shipping Instructions Registration Card and User FeedbackSection NOISE/GATE CommandesSection Compresseur Face AvantRŽglage des Temps Dattaque et de Relachement Commande RatioTouche Overeasy Touche Automatique Section Limiteur DE CretesOutput Gain gain de sortie Touche et tŽmoin BypassPanneau Arrire Section MasterCommande de porte en fonction de la frŽquence Commande ˆ dŽclenchement externeSection Expander/Gate Modification de la qualitŽ du sonLissage des variations de niveau dÕun micro Utilisations ŽlŽmentaires du circuit de compressionEmpcher la surcharge numŽrique Faire ressortir un signal dans un son mixŽEmpcher la saturation de la bande dÕenregistrement Compression pondŽrŽe en frŽquence insertion Sidechain Augmentation du niveau moyen des systmes de sonorisationUtilisation du 166XL comme amplificateur de ligne Raccordement DU 166XL AU Systeme DE Sonorisation Raccordement gŽnŽralTable de mixage Utilisation du circuit Sidechain InsertRaccordement ˆ des dispositifs particuliers Configurations de c‰blage de lÕentrŽe Configurations de c‰blage entrŽe/sortieDispatching AmplificationConsidŽrations de c‰blage de sortie Assistance Technique ET Service UsineMise ˆ la terre ExpŽditionGarantiebedingungen EinleitungKontrolle EXPANDER/GATE-Sektion BedienelementeKOMPRESSOR-Sektion FrontplatteCompressor ATTACK- und RELEASE-Regler OVEREASY-TasteCompressor RATIO-Regler AUTO-Taste LIMITER-SektionOutput GAIN-Regler BYPASS-Taste und -LEDsRŸckseite MASTER-SektionBedienungshinweise Expander/Gate-AnwendungenAusgleichen von Pegelschwankungen bei Mikrofonen Grundlegende Kompressor-AnwendungenVermeidung von BandsŠttigung Hervorheben eines Signals aus der MischungVermeidung von †bersteuerungen bei digitalen Aufnahmen LautsprecherschutzFrequenzselektive Kompression Der dbx 166XL als LeitungsverstŠrkerANSCHLIE§EN DES DBX 166XL AN Ihre Anlage Allgemeine HinweiseMischpult Sidechain INSERT-BuchseVerkabelung fŸr spezielle Anwendungen ANSCHLU§HINWEISE Beschaltung der Ein- und AusgŠngeRegistrierungs- und Antwortkarte Service UND KundendienstInspeccion IntroduccionControles Operativos GarantiaSecci-n de EXPANDER/GATE expansor/compuerta Panel DelanteroSecci-n de Compressor circuito de compresi-n Control Release Control AttackConmutador Auto Control de Output Gain ganancia de salidaPanel Trasero Secci-n Limiter limitadorSecci-n Master Notas Para EL Operador Aplicaciones del circuito expansor/de compuertaModificaci-n de la calidad del sonido Jack de Sidechain Insert circuito de inserci-nMando de compuerta en funci-n de la frecuencia Mando externoAplicaciones b‡sicas de la compresi-n Suavizaci-n de las variaciones de nivel de un micr-fonoPrevenci-n de saturaci-n de la cinta magnŽtica Mo hacer resaltar una se-al de una mezclaUso dl 166XL como amplificador de l’nea Prevenci-n de la sobrecarga digitalSistemas de altoparlantes de m‡ltiples v’as Reducci-n de los sonidos sibilantesSostenimiento de la se-al Conexion DEL 166XL AL Sistema DE Sonido Conexiones b‡sicasUso de un filtro en el circuito Sidechain Preacentuaci-n para las aplicaciones de difusi-nTablero de conexiones Çpatch bayÈ Conexiones a dispositivos espec’ficosConsola de mezcla Consideraciones Para LA Instalacion Configuraci-n de cables de entrada/salidaReforzamiento de sonido Instalaci-n elŽctricaTarjeta de registro y comentarios de los usuarios Asistencia TƒCNICA Y Servicio DE FabricaFemale XLR-TYPE to Stereo Phone Plug Cmrr Specifications0dBu =0.775Vrms Dbx 166XL Compressor / Gate Page Harman International Company