ICP-CC404 Installation Guide Index
| Zone Indicators | 17 | |
Arming In AWAY Mode | 25 | Zone Isolating Mode | 18 | |
Arming In STAY Mode 1 | 25 | Codepad Medical | 21, 73 | |
Disarming From AWAY Mode | 25 | Codepad Medical To Be Silent | 73 | |
Disarming From STAY Mode 1 | 26 | Codepad Panic | 21, 72 | |
| Codepad Panic To Be Silent | 72 | ||
Arming In AWAY Mode | 26 | Command 958 - Enable/Disable Zone Status | 11 | |
Arming In STAY Mode 1 | 26 | Command 959 - Test Programming Key | 11 | |
Disarming From AWAY Mode | 26 | Command 960 - Exit Installer's Programming Mode .... | 12 | |
Disarming From STAY Mode 1 | 26 | Command 961 - Reset Control Panel Back To Factory |
| |
Turning Remote Output 1 Off | 27 | Default | 12 | |
Turning Remote Output 1 On | 27 | Command 965 - Set Up Domestic Dialing | 13 | |
Turning Remote Output 2 Off | 27 | Command 966 - Enable/Disable Automatic Stepping ... | 13 | |
Turning Remote Output 2 On | 27 | Command 999 - Display Panel Type/Software Version14 | ||
AC Mains |
| Communication Failure | 23 | |
Fail In 1 Hour | 73 | Consumer Options 1 |
Ignore Fail Indication | 73 | Auto Arm In STAY Mode 1 | 74 | |
AC Mains Failure | 24 | Enable STAY Indicator To Display Day Alarm Status | ||
Access Codes |
| ...................................................................................... | 74 | |
Installer Code | 50 | Send Test Reports Only If Armed | 74 | |
User Codes | 50 | Control Panel To Power Up Disarmed | 73 | |
Access Denied To Be Silent | 73 | CP5 Eight Zone Codepad | 76 | |
Adding User Codes | 35 | Date and Time | 36 | |
Alarm Link |
| Day Alarm |
Direct Connect | 40 | Operation | 52 | |
Enable Alarm Link Call Back | 40 | Status Indicator | 74 | |
Initiate Modem Call | 38 | Turning On/Off | 38 | |
Remote Connect With Call Back Verification | 39 | Defaulting The Control Panel | 12 | |
Remote Connect With Customer Control | 39 | Dialer Information |
Remote Connect Without Call Back Verification | ..... 39 | Answering Machine Bypass | 48 | |
Terminate Session If Report Pending | 40 | Call Back Telephone Number | 48 | |
Alarm Link Software | 76 | Dialing Format | 47 | |
Answering Machine Bypass | 48 | Primary Telephone Number For Receiver 1 | 45 | |
Arming |
| Programming Telephone Numbers | 45 | |
In AWAY Mode | 18 | Subscriber ID Number For Receiver 1 | 46 | |
In STAY Mode 1 | 19, 37 | Telco Arming Sequence | 47 | |
In STAY Mode 2 | 20, 37 | Telephone Line Fault Options | 48, 72 | |
Auto Arm In STAY Mode 1 | 74 | Disarming |
Automatic Stepping Of Locations | 13 | Automatic | 71 | |
AWAY Indicator | 16, 17 | From AWAY Mode | 18 | |
AWAY Mode |
| Domestic Dialing |
Arming | 18 | Command 965 | 13 | |
Disarming | 18 | Disable | 30, 35, 36 | |
Bell Test | 37 | Format | 40 | |
Bypass Reports | 59 | Function | 40 | |
Call Back Telephone Number | 48 | Duress Alarm | 21 | |
Changing User Codes | 35 | EDM Smart Watch | 72 | |
Codepad Duress | 21 | EDMSAT | 64 | |
Codepad Fire | 21, 73 | Entry Guard Timer For STAY Mode | 19, 20 | |
Codepad Fire To Be Silent | 73 | Exit Installer's Programming Mode | 12 | |
Codepad Indicators |
| Fault |
AWAY | 16 | AC Mains Failure | 24 | |
AWAY Indicator | 17 | Communication Failure | 23 | |
FAULT | 16 | Low Battery | 22 | |
FAULT Indicator | 18 | Sensor Watch | 23 | |
MAINS | 16 | Fault Analysis Mode | 22 | |
MAINS Indicator | 17, 18 | Exit | 38 | |
Off Indicator | 18 | FAULT Indicator | 16, 18 | |
On Indicator | 18 | Features |
STAY | 16 | Solution 404 | 7 | |
STAY Indicator | 17 | Fire Alarm | 21 | |
System Disarmed | 17 | Forced Arming | 18, 19, 20 |
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. 12/08 | 95 |