KitchenAid KDRU763.KDRU manual LearnMode, SabbathMode, To Use Learn Mode, To Enable, To Disable

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5.After replacing the filter, touch and hold RESET for approximately 3 seconds to reset the system. The status will change to Good.

NOTE: If you reset the system without replacing the filter, the system will continue to notify you that the filter needs to be replaced. The oven will shut off the steam functions until the filter is replaced. Continuing to reset the system without replacing the filter may cause damage to the oven.

For information on ordering replacement filters, touch ORDER INFO or see “Assistance or Service” section.

6.Touch OK to return to the Settings Menu.

NOTE: It is normal to hear sounds during steam cooking cycles related to the opening and closing of the water inlet valve and water flowing into the steam system.


The oven has a learn mode which can show you the oven functions and allow you to become comfortable with the controls. When in the learn mode, the oven does not actually turn on and will not warm food.

To Use Learn Mode:

1.From the Main menu, touch MORE.


3.Touch MORE.


5.The Learn Mode Main menu will be displayed.


The Sabbath Mode sets the oven(s) to remain on in a bake setting until turned off. A timed Sabbath Mode can also be set to keep the oven on for only part of the Sabbath.

When the Sabbath Mode is set, only the number and start keys will function, no tones will sound, and the displays will not show messages or temperature changes. The heat source icons will appear lit on the oven display throughout the Sabbath Mode.

When the oven door is opened or closed, the oven light will not turn on or off and the heating elements will not turn on or off immediately.

If a power failure occurs when the Sabbath Mode is set, the oven(s) will remain in Sabbath Mode but will no longer be actively cooking. When power returns, the display will read “SABBATH MODE - Power outage has occurred.” Touch OFF to return to the normal operating mode (non-Sabbath Mode, not cooking).

To Use Learn Mode:WARNING

Burn Hazard

Use an oven mitt to remove temperature probe. Do not touch broil element.

Failure to follow these instructions can result in burns.

NOTE: If you touch Sabbath Mode while the temperature probe is set, a message will appear saying “Probe not available.” Remove the probe and touch CONTINUE to enter the untimed Sabbath Mode. Touch CANCEL to return to the Bake mode.

To Enable:

Before the Sabbath Mode can be regularly set, the oven(s) must first be enabled with a one time only setup. On 48" (121.9 cm) models, both ovens are enabled at the same time using either the Right oven or the Left oven touch display.

1.From the Main menu, touch MORE.

2.Touch SETTINGS. Touch MORE.


4.Touch Enable Sabbath Mode option when baking.

5.Touch OK.

To Disable:

The oven(s) can be disabled of the ability to set the Sabbath Mode by repeating the previous steps. See the “To Enable” section. When disabled “SABBATH DISABLED” will appear on the display and remain on for approximately 5 seconds.

The Sabbath Mode cannot be regularly set until re-enabled.

To Set Regularly Untimed:

Sabbath Mode must be enabled before starting the Bake cycle. See the “To Enable” section.

On 30" (76.2 cm) and 36" (91.4 cm) Models:

1.From the Main menu, touch BAKE.

2.To change the preset temperature, enter the desired temperature using the numerical keys. The temperature can be set to between 170°F and 500°F (77°C and 260°C).

3.Do not enter a cook time.

4.When settings are correct, touch START.

5.If the oven temperature is below the set temperature, the Preheat Bar will be displayed showing the status of the preheat cycle. When preheat is complete, a tone will sound*.

6.Once in the Bake cycle, a Sabbath Mode key will appear in the lower right hand section of the display.

7.Touch SABBATH MODE. (If Sabbath Mode does not appear in the Bake cycle, refer to the “To Enable” section.)

8.Once in the Sabbath Mode, an End Mode key will appear in the lower right hand section of the display. Touch and hold END MODE for approximately 3 seconds to return to the regular Bake cycle.

9.Touch OFF at anytime to turn off the oven.

*Once the oven is placed in Sabbath Mode, the Sabbath Mode screen will appear and no tone will sound upon completion of the preheat cycle.

On 48" (121.9 cm) Models:

Each oven can be independently set in Sabbath Mode.

To set the untimed Sabbath Mode on one of the ovens, follow steps 1-9 above. If one oven is set in Sabbath Mode, the other oven will not operate.

To set the untimed Sabbath Mode on both ovens, each oven must be set in a regular bake cycle before touching the Sabbath Mode key. Follow steps 1-4 above for each oven.

1.Once each oven is in a regular Bake cycle and the Sabbath Mode key has appeared in the lower right hand section of the displays, touch SABBATH MODE on either display and both ovens will enter the Sabbath Mode.

2.Once in the Sabbath Mode, an End Mode key will appear in the lower right hand section of each display. Touch and hold END MODE on either display for approximately 3 seconds and both ovens will return to the regular Bake cycle.

3.Touch OFF at anytime during Sabbath Mode to simultaneously turn off both ovens.


Image 17
Contents CUISINIÈRES À CONVECTION AVEC INJECTION DE VAPEUR - STYLE COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL STYLE DUAL FUEL CONVECTION RANGES WITH STEAM-ASSISTÀ BI-COMBUSTIBLE Use &CareGuideTABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE DES MATIÈRES DANGER RANGE SAFETYSAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSThe Anti-Tip Bracket See the installation instructions for detailsFor units with ventilating hood For self-cleaning rangesRange PARTS AND FEATURESOven Interior BC D AF E G Control PanelsF E D B C J L K MCooktop Controls COOKTOP USEReignition Feature Simmer Burner Settings To SetPower Failure Sealed Surface BurnersCooktop Surface To Clean Even-Heat ChromeElectricGriddleGriddle Charts on some modelsHomeCanning CookwarePreheat Chart Cooking ChartControl Panel ELECTRONIC OVEN CONTROLSGlass-Touch Menu DrivenDisplay 30 76.2 cm and 36 91.4 cm Range Control PanelDisplay MainMenusTouch Screen A B CFailure to follow these instructions can result in burns Menu DemonstrationBurn Hazard Sound Tones SettingsDisplayContrast Temp FormatFahrenheitand CelsiusSabbathMode LearnModeTo Enable To DisableTo Set Delayed To Regularly Set TimedFood Poisoning Hazard Doing so can result in food poisoning or sicknessLanguages TimerClock StartAboutYourOven OVEN USEAluminumFoil BakewareMeatThermometer SatinGlide Roll-Out Extension RackBAKEWARE To Remove SatinGlide Roll-Out Extension RackBakingand Roasting Oven VentTrue-Broil Reflector Full and CenterBroiling To Bake or RoastTo Broil DualFanTrueConvection CookingBROILING CHART To Convection Bake ConvectionBakeConvection Broil Convection RoastTo Convection Roast To Convection BroilTo Proof EasyConvect ConversionProofing Bread STEAM-ASSISTED COOKING AutoSteamSettingsAutoSteam Auto Steam Time and Temperature ChartBreads SeafoodVegetables DessertsTo Cook with Manual Steam Manual SteamKeep Warm Temperature Probe To Set a Delay Cooking Time Timed/Delay CookingTo Set a Cooking Time Bread Baking Chart COOKING CHARTSYeast Breads Quick BreadsDessertsBaking Chart CasserolesBakingChartManual Steam CookingChart Auto SteamVegetableCookingChartAuto Steam Seafood Cooking Chart AutoSteamMeats and Poultry RoastingChart FOOD RANGE CARE Self-Cleaning CycleTo Self-Clean To Delay Start Self-CleanGeneralCleaning Water Filter Cartridge ReplacementTo Stop Self-Clean anytime If you need Assistance or ServiceOven Door Oven LightsExcessive Weight Hazard Use two or more people to move and install oven doorsTo Remove TROUBLESHOOTINGNothing will operate Burner sparks but does not lightIn theU.S.A ASSISTANCE OR SERVICESelf-Cleaning cycle will not operate If you need replacement partsIn Canada AccessoriesAccessories U.S.A KitchenAid Stainless Steel Cleaner and PolishLIMITED WARRANTY KITCHENAID DUAL FUEL RANGE WARRANTYSECOND THROUGH FIFTH YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY ON CERTAIN COMPONENT PARTS ITEMS EXCLUDED FROM WARRANTY This limited warranty does not coverPurchase date Dealer name Address Phone number Model number Serial numberPage DANGER AVERTISSEMENT SÉCURITÉ DE LA CUISINIÈRECONSERVEZ CES INSTRUCTIONS IMPORTANTES INSTRUCTIONS DE SÉCURITÉAVERTISSEMENT Labride antibasculementExercer une grande prudence lors de l’ouverture de la porte CONSERVEZ CES INSTRUCTIONS IMPORTANTES INSTRUCTIONS DE SÉCURITÉPour les cuisinières avec programme d’autonettoyage Pour les appareils avec hotte de ventilationIntérieur du four PIÈCES ET CARACTÉRISTIQUESCuisinière J K L Tableaux de commandeG F E D BC G F HUTILISATION DE LA TABLE DE CUISSON Commandesdela table decuissonCaractéristique de rallumage RéglageBrûleurs desurfacescellés Surface delatabledecuissonRéglages de brûleurs à mijotage Réglage Panne de courantsur certains modèles Plaqueà frire chromée électrique Even-HeatNettoyage UtilisationTableaux de cuisson avec plaque à frire UstensilesdecuissonTableau de préchauffage Tableau de cuissonPréparation deconserves àlamaison COMMANDES ÉLECTRONIQUES DU FOURTableau de commande de la cuisinière de 30 76,2 cm et 36 91,4 cm Tableau de commande de la cuisinière de 48 121,9 cmÉcran tactile en verre à menus TableaudecommandeAfficheur Écran tactileDémonstration de menu MenusprincipauxRisque de brûlures Utiliser des mitaines de four pour retirer la sonde thermométriqueRéglages Sons signaux sonores Calibrage commande delatempérature du fourContrasted’affichage Formatdetempérature Fahrenheit et CelsiusModed’apprentissage Filtre à eau/système de filtrationdeleauModeSabbat Pour vérifier le statut du filtrePour un réglage normal, non minuté DésactivationPour un réglage normal, minuté Risque dempoisonnement alimentaireRéglage de cuisson différée Horloge LanguesStartmiseenmarche MinuterieUTILISATION DU FOUR Verrouillage de lacommandeOff arrêt Àpropos du fourPositionnementdesgrillesetdesustensilesde cuisson Ustensiles decuisson au fourGRILLES Cuisson traditionnelleThermomètreàviande Grille coulissantedéployante SatinGlideÉvent du four Dépose de la grille coulissante déployante SatinGlideCuisson au four ou rôtissage Cuisson au fouretrôtissageRéflecteur True-Broil Cuisson au gril à pleinepuissance et centrale TABLEAU DE CUISSON AU GRIL Cuissonparconvectionvéritableàdouble ventilateurCuisson au gril Cuisson au four par convection Cuisson au fourparconvectionRôtissage par convection Rôtissage parconvectionCuisson au gril parconvection Levéedupain Conversion EasyConvectCuisson au gril par convection Pour faire lever la pâteCuisson àla vapeur automatique CUISSON AVEC INJECTION DE VAPEURRéglagesdecuisson àlavapeurautomatique ViandesFruits de mer VolaillePains LégumesCuisson avec le réglage Cuisson à la vapeur manuelle Cuisson àlavapeurmanuelleCuisson avec le réglage Cuisson à la vapeur automatique Aliments recommandés Garderau chaudTableau pour la fonction Garder au chaud RéglageCuisson minutée/différée SondethermométriqueRéglage dune durée de cuisson différée Réglage dune durée de cuissonTableaudecuisson du pain TABLEAUX DE CUISSONPains à la levure Pains éclairsAutres aliments Tableau decuisson desmets en sauceTableau decuisson à la vapeurautomatique des légumes Tableau decuisson desdessertsou jusquà ce que la pointe d’un couteau insérée sous ou jusquà ce que la pointe d’un couteau insérée prèsTableau decuisson àlavapeurmanuelle Tableaudecuisson àlavapeurautomatiquedes fruits de merPage ALIMENT Programme dautonettoyage ENTRETIEN DE LA CUISINIÈREComment fonctionne le programme Préparation du fourNettoyagegénéral Remplacement delacartouchedu filtre à eauSi vous avez besoin dassistance ou de service Pour différer lautonettoyageCOMMANDES DE LA TABLE DE CUISSON TABLEAU DE COMMANDEGRILLES ET CHAPEAUX ÉMAILLÉS BRÛLEURS DE SURFACEPorte du four LampesdufourRemplacement RéinstallationRien ne fonctionne DÉPANNAGELes résultats de cuisson ne sont pas les résultats prévus Les brûleurs de surface ne fonctionnent pasLes résultats de cuisson au four ne sont pas les résultats prévus Le programme d’autonettoyage ne fonctionne pasAu Canada ASSISTANCE OU SERVICESi vous avez besoin de pièces de rechange Pour plus d’assistanceNettoyant et poli pour acier inoxydable KitchenAid AccessoiresChiffons pour acier inoxydable KitchenAid Nettoyant pour table de cuissonGARANTIE LIMITÉE GARANTIE DE LA CUISINIÈRE À BI-COMBUSTIBLE KITCHENAIDLES PORTES DU FOUR À INJECTION DE VAPEUR ARTICLES EXCLUS DE LA GARANTIENuméro de série Date d’achat Nom du marchand Adresse Numéro de téléphone Numéro de modèlePage 3/11 W10399383A2011. All rights reserved Printed in U.S.A