5Measure 2 teaspoons of sugar. Again, make sure to level off the tablespoons for an exact measurement. Add the sugar into the bread pan.
6 Measure 2 tablespoons of dry milk. Level off the table- spoons of dry milk like all of the rest of the dry ingredients. Add the dry milk to the bread pan.
7 Measure 2 teaspoons of salt. It is especially important to measure the salt precisely because too much salt, even a little, can affect the rising of the dough.
Add the salt to the bread pan.
8 Before adding the yeast, use your finger to form a well (ho/e) in the flour where you will pour the yeast.
Yeast must NEVER come into contact with a liquid when you are adding ingredients.
Measure (again, leveling off) 2 teaspoons of yeast and care- fully pour it into the well you made in the flour.
9 Carefully snap the baking pan into the breadmaker.
IO Close the lid of the bread machine and plug the power cord into the wall outlet.
The following things will happen. The machine will “beep: and the red lights of the display will turn on. The time set- ting will read “3:OO” hours and the red light will be lit next to the “basic” setting.