Sunbeam EXPRESSBAKETM Breadmaker user manual After the Bread Is Baked

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Caution: Do not put your face near the lid when you open the breadmaker. Hot steam may escape that could burn you.

IMPORTANT: The breadmaker has an automatic “keep warm” setting that will keep your bread warm for up to one hour. We recommend removing the bread from the breadmaker right away to preserve its freshness.

Use pot holders or oven mitts to carefully lift the pan by its handle from the breadmaker.

Turn the pan upside down onto a cooling rack and gently shake it until the bread comes out. If it sticks, take a rubber spatula (metal can damage the pan’s surface) and carefully go around the sides of the loaf until the bread comes out.

If the kneading blade comes out with the bread, use a plas- tic utensil to remove it from the loaf. Remember, it will be hot!

Allow the bread to cool for 15 minutes before slicing and enjoying it.

IMPORTANT: If you wish to make another loaf of bread right away, please allow the breadmaker to cool down for 10 to 15 minutes with the cover open and the pan removed.

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Contents Expressbake Important Safeguards Contents Reverse order Top with U ’ R E R E a D Y T O S T a R T BEFOREYou Begin Measuring Cups 2Tbsp 2tsp Page Page E a D Machine S T a G E S After the Bread Is Baked Overview of Breadmaker Crust Color Button Breadmaker Settings Please see Expressbake Setting Page Yeast SaltOther in G R E D I E N T S Tbsp Tsp Page 80 min Page Page To USE TUE Delay Timer Page E C K the Doughball Is Too D RY Easurement Equivalency Chart K I N G C a R E O F Y O U R B R E a D Machine Aring for Your Breadmaker If You have a Power Outage Understanding Display Information Troubleshooting Breadmaker Problems Baking Problem, Solution Baking Problem Solution Basic Setting Recipes L U X E WH I T E Bread M E R OptionalCO U N T R Y W H I T E B R E a D 2 cups t 1 Tbsp Tbsp -1/2 tsp Cups 2 Tbsp LB. L O a F BA S I C S E T T I N G I O N a N D Cheese BR E a D ExceptBread G H T RY E B R E a D Ail-purpose/Bread Machine flour French Bread Machine Settings French Setting E N C H Setting French Bread IngredientsSweet Setting R E C I P E S Sweet Setting LB. LoafPie spice Apple Walnut B ReadEXPRE~SBAKEM Setting Recipes Use EXPRESSBAKE~~ Setting 58 Min or 80 Min French Bread Garlic Bread Ingredients 50% Whole Wheat B Read LB . Loaf Hole W Heat B Read Machine S Ettings 50% Whole W Heat B Read 0 % O L E WheatB . L OAF Bread Whole Wheat S E T T I N G LB. L O a FWhole Wheat S E T T I N G LB. LoafGLUTEN-FREE GLUTEN-FREE WhiteWhole Cheddar Cheese B R E a DGLUTEN-FREE C I N N a M O N DOUGH/PASTA Setting Recipes Dough Instructions Swirls Bake at 350F for 25 to 30 minutes Rolls Z Z a R I a T I O N S Batch LargeBasic Pasta EGG PastaS I C S W E E T D O U G H Dough Setting Tsp Cinnamon Tbsp Soft butterBuns RingG Glaze L K O R B U T T E R GlazeBlue Cheese Spread Salmon SpreadTapenade S P R E a D E E S E BruschettaChutney Spread MA P L E N U T Cream SP R E a D Peanut Butter Cream SpreadMakes about 22--1/2l/2 Cups Basic and Bake Setting Not for Timer C I P E I N D E Yearlimited Warranty 0 2 8 7 3 l