74 FSU User Manual 61200.130L1-1
Chapter 7. Configuring the Network Port
LLC2 Options (LLC2 OPT)
The VT 100 screen in Figure 7-4 appears when LLC2 (Logical
Link Control Type 2) Options is selected from the Network Port
Configuration menu.
LLC2 ACK Timeout (ACK TO)
Timeout value used by the LLC2 protocol to establish the
maximum time to wait for a positive acknowledgment from a
remote device.
LLC2 N2 Retry Counter (N2 RETRY)
Maximum retries for actions timed by the ACK poll, busy or
reflect timers. When N2 is exceeded, a reset condition occurs.
LLC2 k Window Size (WND SIZE)
Maximum number of outstanding unacknowledged data frames
that the LLC2 protocol will allow.
LLC2 Poll Timeout (POLL TO)
Maximum time to wait for a response to a command having the
poll bit set.
LLC2 Busy Timeout (BUSY TO)
Length of time the LLC2 protocol will wait for a remote device to
clear a busy state before querying it with an RR (receiver ready)
LLC2 Reject Timeout (REJECT TO)
Maximum time the LLC2 protocol will wait for a reject response
after issuing a reject command.
LLC2 Keep-Alive Timeout (KA TO)
Optional tool for detecting the status of an LLC2 connection.