136 FSU User Manual 61200.130L1-1
viewing 87
front panel 96
VT 100 87
status information 24
status menu 44
stop bits
PPP async protocol 62, 65
transparent async protocol 58
subnet mask 44, 45, 61, 64, 67, 75
switched virtual circuit 1
sync frame errors 97
synchronous bit rate
bisync protocol 54
PPP synchronous protocol 61
SDLC protocol 47
transparent BOP protocol 52
synchronous data link control 2
synchronous idle method
bisync protocol 54
frame relay protocol 42
PPP synchronous protocol 61
SDLC protocol 47
transparent BOP protocol 52
synchronous protocol
speeds 2
statistics 87
system configuration 83
system statistics 99
T1/FT1 2
network port 73
frame relay protocol 44
TD1 15
TD2 15
TDN 15
telco connectors 8
telnet 3, 24, 25, 44, 45
capability 3
configuration 33
connection/operation 17
terminal interface 34. See also VT 100
connecting to 7
connection to 9
bisync protocol 55
SDLC protocol 49
timeout 49, 55
bisync protocol 55
SDLC protocol 49
trans async 57
trans BOP 51
translation code 54
transmit ARP requests
IP routing 81
transmit data
DTE 1 15
DTE 2 15
network 15
transmit delay
SDLC protocol 49
transmit RIP requests 61, 64, 67
network port 75
transparent application 30
transparent async protocol 57
menu tree 57
transparent BOP protocol 51
menu tree 51
trap DLCI
system configuration 85
trap IP address
system configuration 85
trap manager DLCI
system configuration 85
trap manager IP address
system configuration 85
trap manager port
system configuration 85
trap port
system configuration 85
IP routing 81