62 FSU User Manual 61200.130L1-1
Chapter 6. DTE Port Configuration
PPP Async Protocol
The PPP Async Protocol functions the same as the PPP Synchro-
nous Protocol except for the port is in async format, connected to
an async device. Special control characters are used to deter-
mine frame boundaries for the async channel. See Figure 6-10
for the PPP Asynchronous menu tree.
Routing tables are formed through a combination of RIP and
static route entries. If RIP is used, all routing tables are gener-
ated dynamically. With static routing, the user is able to force
relationships. Static route tables are configured through the IP
Routing selection in the CONFIG menu.
Static routing requires additional configuration (see the chapter IP
Routing for more information).
Physical Layer Options
Interface Type (CONN)
Select the connector type for the DTE interface. The choices are
V.35 and RS-232.
Asynchronous Bit Rate (BIT RATE)
Select the operating speed of the DTE interface to match the
connected device. The selections are 2400 bps, 4800 bps, 9600
bps, 19.2 kbps, and 38.3 kbps.
Data Bits
Select the byte length to match the connected asynchronous
device. The choices are 7 and 8.
Select even, odd, or no parity information. Set to match the
connected asynchronous device.
Stop Bits
Select one or two stop bits. Set to match the connected asynchro-
nous device.