HPSL Command | Description |
TRIG:SOUR EXT | Selects the external trigger input. |
TRAN:MODE PULS | Selects pulsed transient operation. |
CURR 5 | Sets main current level to 5 amps. |
CURR:TLEV 10 | Sets transient current level to 10 amps. |
TRAN:TWID .001 | Sets pulse width to 1 millisecond. |
TRAN ON | Turns on transient operation. |
Figure 2-5 shows the waveform that would result in this pulsed transient operation example. The Electronic Load starts conduction at the main current level setting (5 amps). When the transient mode is turned on and an external trigger signal is received, the input level starts increasing at a rate determined by the slew rate. When the value specified by the transient level setting (10 amps) is reached, it stays there for the remainder of the time determined by the pulse width setting
(1 millisecond). After this time has elapsed, the input level decreases to the main level again at the rate specified by the slew setting and remains there until another trigger is received. Any triggers that occur during the time the transient level is in effect will be ignored.
Figure 2-5. Pulsed Transient Operation
Toggled Transient Operation
Toggled transient operation causes the load input to alternate between two predefined levels as in continuous operation except that the transient points are controlled by explicit triggers instead of the internal transient generator. As in pulsed transient operation, the trigger signal can be an external trigger signal, the GPIB GET function, the *TRG command, or the TRIG command. Note that toggled transient operation can only be programmed via the GPIB (TRAN:TOGG command); it cannot be programmed at the front panel.
In this example, assume that the CC mode is active, the slew rate is at the factory default setting (maximum rate), an external trigger input signal is connected to the Electronic Load’s rear panel, and the applicable transient operation parameters have been set as follows:
HPSL Command | Description |
TRIG:SOUR EXT | Selects the external trigger input source. |
TRAN:MODE TOGG | Selects toggled operation. |
CURR 5 | Sets main current level to 5 amps. |
CURR:TLEV 10 | Sets transient current level to 10 amps. |
TRAN ON | Turns on transient operation. |