titling, 1-11
adjusting colors of the display,
blanking the display, 1-21
data trace
saving to display memory,
four-channel display
4 Param Displays softkey,
Channel Position softkey, 1-17
customizing, 1-17
viewing, 1-14
measurement data
dividing by the memory trace,
subtracting memory trace,
viewing, 1-20
memory math functions, 1-19
memory trace
viewing, 1-20
memory traces, 1-19
primary measur e m e nt
dual channel mode with
decoupled channel p ow er,
dual channel mode with
decoupled stimulus, 1-13
primary measure ment
channels, 1-12
viewing, 1-12
ratio measurements in channel
1 and 2, to, 1-20
display intensity, 1-22
display markers
coupling, 1-31
uncoupling, 1-31
display markers, activating, 1-25
display memory, 1-19, 7-8
display reference value, setting,
display ripple test limits, 1-87
display ripple test values , 1-88
displayed measurement, titling,
displaying the bandwidth
markers, 1-95
displaying the bandwidth value,
drift, frequency, 5-5
drift, temperature, 5-5
dual channel mode wi th dec ouple d
power, 1-13
dual channel mode wi th dec ouple d
stimulus, 1-13
duplexer, characterizing, 1-49
dynamic range, increasing, 5-15
ECal, 6-58–6-75
adapter removal calibration,
calibration, 6-58–6-68
confidence check, 6-65
equipment, 6-59
isolation calibration, 6-61
manual thru, 6-60
module information, 6-64
options, 6-60
service menu, 6-67
edit limits menu, 7-83
edit segment menu, 7-83
editing a sequence, 1-100
deleting commands, 1-100
editing line segments, 1-78
editing ripple limits, 1-84–1-86
length, 1-43
offset, 6-6
electrical delay, 7-33
electrical delay block, 7-7
electrical delay, determining, 6-73
electrical delay, setting, 1-37
electrically long devices, 5-4
electronic calibration. See ECal
eliminating unwanted mixing and
leakage signals, 2-6
embedding loop counter value in
title, 1-106
enhanced frequency response
error correction, 6-22
enhanced reflection error
correction, 6-22, 6-25
enhancement, accuracy, 7-37
entering the power sensor
calibration data, 6-34
deleting frequency signals, 6-35
editing frequency segments,
minimizing error while using
adapters, 6-47
error correcting measurements,
error correction
enhanced frequency response,
enhanced reflection, 6-22, 6-25
frequency response, 6-12
full two-port, 6-29
one-port reflection, 6-26
error-correction, 1-5
stimulus state, 6-9
error-correction, vector, 7-7
errors, measuremen t, 7-38
exit HPGL mode, 4-26
sending to the printer, 4-26
calibration, 5-13
disk drive, 4-55
R channel inputs, 2-10
fabricating and defining
calibration standards for
TRL/LRM, 7-74
fast 2-port calibration, 5-13
fault location measurements
using low pass, 3-18
features that operate differently
in sequence, 1-105
feedthrough, RF, 2-47
deleting, 4-52
index numbers, 4-45
recalling, 4-54
renaming, 4-53
sequential CSV naming of, 4-45
to delete all, 4-52
filter, characteristics, 1-68
finite impulse width (or rise time),
fixed IF mixer adjustments
tuned receiver mode, 2-27
fixed IF mixer measurements,
addressing and configuring two
sources, 2-30
calling the next measurement
sequence, 2-30
decrementing the loop counter,
frequency list sweep of 26
points, 2-29
incrementing the source
frequencies, 2-32
initializing loop counter value to
26, 2-30
labeling the screen, 2-32
presetting the instrument, 2-28
prompting user to connect mixer
test setup, 2-29
response calibrat ion, 2-29
sequence 1 setup, 2-27
sequence 2 setup, 2-32
taking data, 2-32
tuned receiver mode, 2-29
fixed markers, 1-29
fixtures, 6-48
designing your own fixture, 6-49