line segments, editing, 1-78
deleting line segments, 1-78
line types, selecting, 4-17
linear frequency sweep, 7-15
linear magnitude format, 7-27
linear phase, deviation, 1-46
linear sweep, 1-55
linearity, phase, 2-35
list values, printing or plotting,
LO frequency accuracy and
stability, 2-10
LO to RF isolation, 2-45
load match, 7-40, 7-71
load mismatches, minimizing, 2-4
loading a sequence from a disk,
local key, 7-78
log magnitude format, 7-24
logarithmic frequency sweep, 7-15
loop counter
decision making, 1-113
example sequence, 1-115
value, 2-30
loss of power meter calibration
data, 6-33
low pass impulse mode, 3-20
lower stopband param eters, 1-69
measuring, 1-7
measuring response, 1-7
maintaining testport output
power during sweep retrace,
maintenance, 8-2
making a basic measurement, 1-4
choosing measurement
parameters, 1-4
connecting required test
equipment, 1-4
connecting the device under
test, 1-4
error-correction, 1-5
frequency range, setting, 1-5
measurement, sett i n g, 1-5
measuring the device under
test, 1-5
outputting measurement
results, 1-6
source power, setting, 1-5
making non-coaxial
measurements, 6-48
fixtures, 6-48
making reflection response
measurements, 3-9
making transmission response
measurements, 3-5
manual mode, 7-9
manual sweep ti me mode, 7-11
manual thru, 6-60
ripple test value, 1-88, 1-91
markers, 1-24
calculating statistics of
measurement data, 1-42
continuous, 1-24
coupling display markers, 1-31
CW frequency, setting, 1-38
delta markers, 1-28
discrete, 1-24
display markers
activating, 1-25
fixed marker
activating, 1-29
moving marker information off
of the grids, 1-26
polar format markers, 1-32
setting measurem ent
parameters, 1-34
smith chart markers, 1-33
specific amplitude, searching
for, 1-39
uncoupling display markers,
masking, 3-26
matched adapters, 6-45
maximum amplitude, searching
for, 1-39
maximum and minimum, 1-94
maximum bandwid th, 1-94
accuracy, increasing, 5-4
calibration, power meter, 6-33
fault location using low pass,
high dynamic range, 2-24
isolation example, 2-45
non-coaxial, 6-48
plotting to a disk, 4-13
printing or plotting results, 4-3
reflection response, 3-9
results, outputting, 1-6
results, saving, 4-39
results, saving graphically, 4-46
setting, 1-5
time domain, 3-3
transmission measurements in
time domain low pass, 3-19
transmission response, 3-5
measurement calibration, 7-37
accuracy enhancement, 7-37,
characterizing microwave
systematic errors, 7-41
measurement erro rs, 7-38
measurement considerations, 2-4
eliminating un wanted mixing
and leakage signals, 2-6
frequency offset mode operation,
how RF and IF are defined, 2-7
internal and external R channel
inputs, 2-10
LO frequency accuracy and
stability, 2-10
minimizing source and load
mismatches, 2-4
power meter calibration, 2-12
reducing the effect of spurious
responses, 2-5
measurement dat a, 1-20
dividing by the memory trace,
viewing, 1-20
measurement data trace, 1-20
subtracting memory trace, 1-20
measurement err or
crosstalk, 7-40
frequency response, 7-41
isolation, 7-40
load match, 7-40
measurement erro rs
directivity, 7-38
source match, 7-39
measurement par ameters, 1-68,
center frequency, setting, 1-35
choosing, 1-4
display reference value, setting,
electrical delay, setting, 1-37
for IF range, 2-20
frequency span, setting, 1-36
lower stopband parameters,
markers, setting with, 1-34
passband parameters, 1-69
start frequency, setti ng, 1-34
stop frequency, setting, 1-35
upper stopband parameters,
basic, 1-4
high power, 1-59, 1-65
phase or group delay, 2-35
device under test, 1-5
gain and reverse isolation
simultaneously, 1-57