places where you can s av e , 4-36
what you can save to a
computer, 4-37
what you can save to a floppy
disk, 4-37
what you can save to the
analyzer’s internal memory,
saving measurement results
ASCII data formats, 4-41
instrument state files, 4-47
scale and offset, 7-8
scale, choosing, 4-17
searching for specific amplitude,
segment menu, 7-16
segment power, setting, 7-18
auto-feed, 4-15
gate shape, 3-36
line types, 4-17
pen numbers and colors, 4-16
selecting sweep modes, 7-19
sending the exit HPGL mode and
form feed sequence to the
printer, 4-26
sending the HPGL initialization
sequence to the printer, 4-26
sending the plot file to the printer,
changing the title, 1-103
clearing from mem ory, 1-102
creating, 1-98
decision making menu, 1-112
editing, 1-100
generating files in a loop counter
example, 1-116
in-depth information, 1-105
jumps to itself, 1-112
limit test example, 1-118
loading from a disk, 1-104
loop counter exa mple, 1-115
naming files, 1-103
printing, 1-105
purging from a disk, 1-104
running, 1-100
size, 1-106
stopping, 1-100
storing to disk, 1-104
special functions menu, 1-112
test, 1-98
service menu ( ECal), 6-67
servicing, 8-6
auto sweep time mode, 5-12
frequency range for time domain
low pass, 3-15
gate, 3-35
setting ripple limits, 1-811-84
setting segment IF bandwidth,
setting segment power, 7-18
setting the sweep type, 5-12
setting up bandwidth test limits,
shipment for service, 8-2
sidelobes, 3-27
single page plots, outputting
using a printer, 4-26
single point limits, 1-77
sloping limit li n e, 1-75
small signal transient response,
measuring, 3-19
smith chart format, 7-26
smith chart markers, 1-33
smoothing, 7-8, 7-35
4 Param Displays, 1-18
channel position, 1-17
solving problems with printing or
plotting, 4-35
solving problems with saving or
recalling files, 4-55
using an external disk drive,
source attenuator switch
protection, 7-13
repetitive switching of the
attenuator, 7-13
source match, 7-39
source match and load match,
source mismatches, minimizing,
source power, setting, 1-5
source step attenuator, 7-4
S-parameter menu
analog in menu, 7-22
conversion menu, 7-22
S-parameters, 7-20
S-parameter menu, 7-22
understanding, 7-20
S-parameters menu
input ports menu, 7-23
specific amplitude, 1-39
bandwidth, searching for, 1-41
maximum amplitude, searching
for, 1-39
minimum amplitude, searching
for, 1-39
target amplitude, searching for,
tracking the amplitude, 1-41
spreadsheet, saving test file for a,
spurious responses, reduci ng the
effect of, 2-5
standards, calibration, 6-5
start frequency, setting, 1-34
starting the ripple test, 1-86
statistics of measurement data,
calculating, 1-42
stepped edit list menu, 7-16
stepped edit subsweep men u, 7-16
stepped list frequency sweep, 7-15
segment menu, 7-16
stepped edit list menu, 7-16
stepped edit subsweep menu,
stepped list mode, 1-67
stimulus state, error-correction,
stop frequencies, minimum
allowable, 3-16
stop frequency, setting, 1-35
stopping a sequence, 1-100
stopping the ripple test, 1-86
exit HPGL mode and form feed
sequence, 4-26
HPGL initialization sequence,
sequence on a disk, 1-104
rate, decreasing, 5-9
retrace, 5-7
speed, increasing, 5-10
type, setting, 5-12
sweep time, 7-11
auto sweep time mode, 7-11
manual sweep time mode, 7-11
minimum sweep time, 7-11
sweep types, 7-15
CW time sweep, 7-19
linear frequency sweep, 7-15
logarithmic frequency sweep,
power sweep, 7-19
selecting sweep modes, 7-19
stepped list frequency sweep,
swept list frequency sweep, 7-17
sweep-to-sweep averaging, 7-6
swept edit list menu, 7-17
swept edit subsweep menu, 7-17
swept list frequency sweep, 7-17
setting segment IF bandwidth,
setting segment power, 7-18