Chapter 2. CLI Syntax Reference
/cx show selftest
9000 series controllers support background tasks and allow you to schedule a regular time when they occur.
Selftest is one of the supported background tasks. Rebuild and verify are other background tasks for which there are separate schedules. Migrate and initialize are additional background tasks that follow the same schedule as rebuild. For each background task, up to 7 time periods can be registered, known as slots 1 through 7. Each task schedule can be managed by a set of commands including add, del, show and set a task. Background task schedules have a slot id,
For details about setting up a schedule for background selftest tasks, see “Setting Up a Selftest Schedule” on page 47.
Selftest activity provides two types of selftests; UDMA (Ultra Direct Memory Access) and SMART (Self Monitoring Analysis and Reporting). Both self tests are checked once each day by default.
UDMA self test entails checking the current ATA bus speed (between controller and attached disk), which could have been throttled down during previous operations and increase the speed for best performance (usually one level higher). Possible speeds include 33, 66, 100 and 133 Mhz (at this writing). Note that UDMA selftest is not applicable (or required) with SATA drives, but is left enabled by default.
SMART activity instructs the controller to check certain SMART supported thresholds by the disk vendor. An AEN is logged to the alarms page if a drive reports a SMART failure.
The show selftest command displays the current selftest background task schedule as illustrated below. Selftests do not have a time duration since they are completed momentarily.
//localhost> /c1 show selftest
Selftest Schedule for Controller /c1
1 | Sun | 12:00am | enabled | enabled |
2 | Mon | 12:00am | enabled | enabled |
3 | Tue | 12:00am | enabled | enabled |
4 | Wed | 12:00am | enabled | enabled |
5 | Thu | 12:00am | enabled | enabled |
6 | Fri | 12:00am | enabled | enabled |
7 | Sat | 12:00am | enabled | enabled |
44 | 3ware Serial ATA RAID Controller CLI Guide for the Power Mac G5 |