Chapter 2. CLI Syntax Reference
/ex/slotx show identify
This command shows the identify status of the specified slot. The status can be either on or off.
//localhost> /e0/slot1 show identify /e0/slot1 Identify status = on
/ex/slotx set identify=onoff
This command causes the slot to be identified by blinking the LED associated with it, or turns off identification of the LED for this slot.
Setting identify to on will cause the LED associated with that slot to blink, provided that the EPCT has been set to associate “identify” with “blinking,” as is the case in the 3ware Sidecar.
Note: This command is equivalent to “/cx/px set identify=onoff” on page 73.
//localhost> /e0/slot1 set identify=on
Sending Identify request to Drive Slot /e0/slot0 to [on] ...
/ex/fanx show
This command shows the information about the specified fan element /fanx in the specified enclosure /ex. The fan name is followed by its status. If a fan is on and no fault has been detected, the status would indicate OK.
//localhost> /e0/fan0 show
Fan Status
fan0 OK
/ex/tempx show
This command shows the information about the specified temperature sensor element /fanx in the specified enclosure /ex. The temperature sensor name is followed by the temperature sensed in the enclosure unit.
//localhost> /e0/temp0 show
TempSensor Temperature
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