AMX NXD-700Vi manual Site Survey, RF Link Info

Models: NXD-700Vi

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Firmware Pages and Descriptions


Wireless Settings Page (Cont.)





Wireless Security (Cont.):







This button opens the WPA-PSK Settings page (FIG. 69 on page 86).



“WPA-PSK” security is designed for environments where is it desirable to use



WPA or WPA2, but an 802.1x authentication server is not available.



PSK connections are more secure than WEP and are simpler to configure since



they implement dynamic keys but share a key between the WAP and the panel






• Refer to the Wireless Security Page section on page 82 for details.






This button opens the EAP-PEAP Settings page (FIG. 73 on page 92).



“EAP-PEAP” security is designed for wireless environments where it is neces-



sary to securely transmit data over a wireless network.



• Refer to the Wireless Security Page section on page 82 for details.



• For information on uploading a certificate file, refer to the AMX Certificate



Upload Utility section on page 197.






This button opens the EAP-TTLS Settings page (FIG. 74 on page 94).



“EAP-TTLS” security is designed for wireless environments where it is



necessary to first have a Radius server directly validate the identity of the client



(panel) before allowing it access to the network.



• Refer to the Wireless Security Page section on page 82 for details.



• For information on uploading a certificate file, refer to the AMX Certificate



Upload Utility section on page 197.






This button opens the EAP-TLS Settings page (FIG. 75 on page 96).



“EAP-TLS” security is designed for wireless environments where it is necessary



to securely transmit data over a wireless network by adding an additional level



of security protocol via the use of a private key.



• Refer to the Wireless Security Page section on page 82 for details.



• For information on uploading a certificate file, refer to the AMX Certificate



Upload Utility section on page 197.






This button opens the EAP-LEAP Settings page (FIG. 70 on page 88).



“EAP-LEAP” security is designed for wireless environments where it is not



required to have both a client or server certificate validation scheme in place,



yet necessary to securely transmit data over a wireless network.



• Refer to the Wireless Security Page section on page 82 for details.






This button opens the EAP-FAST Settings page (FIG. 72 on page 90).



“EAP-FAST” security is designed for wireless environments where security and



ease of setup are equally desirable.



• Refer to the Wireless Security Page section on page 82 for details.





Site Survey:

The Site Survey tool allows you to detect and view detailed information on all



WAPs within the panel’s communication area. Using this tool, you can select a



WAP to connect to.



• Refer to the Using the Site Survey tool section on page 34 for information on



using this tool.





RF Link Info:

These options set communication values for the wireless interface card:






Displays the currently used SSID of the target WAP.






The RF channel being used for connection to the WAP (read -only).





7" Modero Widescreen Touch Panels




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AMX NXD-700Vi manual Site Survey, RF Link Info