AMX NXD-700Vi manual Setting the Intercom Session Timeout, Setting Intercom Auto Answer

Models: NXD-700Vi

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Full Duplex Intercom

Setting the Intercom Session Timeout

1.Select the Setup button on your intercom page.

2.Press the up or down arrows to increment the timeout up by 1 second in each direction. If your call exceeds your session timeout the panel provides you with a popup (FIG. 90) to extend the session.

FIG. 90 Extend Call Popup

3.Press Exit when you are finished.

Setting Intercom Auto Answer

1.Select the Setup button on your intercom page.

2.Press the button beneath Auto-Answerto toggle the option. The button indicates its current state.

3.Press Exit when you are finished.


7" Modero Widescreen Touch Panels

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AMX NXD-700Vi manual Setting the Intercom Session Timeout, Setting Intercom Auto Answer