AMX NXD-700Vi manual Secondary Connection, Wireless Security Support, 802.11g Wi-Fi CF card

Models: NXD-700Vi

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Firmware Pages and Descriptions

Wireless Settings Page (Cont.)

RF Link Info (Cont.):


Link Quality

Displays the quality of the link from the wireless NIC to the Wireless Access


Point (direct sequence spread spectrum) in real time (None, Poor, Fair, Good,


Very Good, and Excellent).


• Even when link quality is at its lowest you still have a connection, and the


ability to transmit and receive data, even if at lower speeds.


Note: “Link Quality” and “Signal Strength” are applicable to RF connections


only. It is possible to have an RF signal to a WAP, but be unable to communi-


cate with it because of either incorrect IP or encryption settings.



Signal Strength

This indicator displays a description of the signal strength from the Wireless


Access Point connection in real time (None, Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good, and




SNR (Signal Noise Ratio) is a measure of the relative strength of a wireless RF


connection. Given this value and the link quality above, you can determine the


noise level component of the SNR. For example, if signal strength is high but


the link quality is low, then the cause of the link degradation is noise. However,


if signal strength is low and link quality is low the cause would simply be signal





Data Rate

The data rate (in Mbps) at which the panel is currently communicating with the


target WAP.


Note: Data rates for 802.11b communication are: 1, 2, 5.5, and 11 Mbps.



Secondary Connection Page

The Secondary Connection page sets the communication information for an installed wireless interface card. The NXD-CV5 Touch panel is not enabled for wireless communication and therefore, this page is not user-editable.

Wireless Security Page

The options on the Wireless Security page allow you to select from the wireless security methods supported by the NXA-WC80211GCF Wi-Fi card. These security methods incorporate WPA, WPA2, and EAP technology (some of which require the upload of unique certificate files to a target panel).

Refer to the Appendix B - Wireless Technology section on page 191 for more further information.

Some encryption and security features may/may not be supported depending on the type of wireless card being used:

Wireless Security Support

802.11g Wi-Fi CF card:

Open (Clear Text)

Static WEP (64-bit and 128-bit key lengths)


EAP security (with and without certificates)

WAP SIte Survey

Refer to the Configuring a Wireless Network Access section on page 33 for more information on configuring the panel for wireless network access using the various security options.


7" Modero Widescreen Touch Panels

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AMX NXD-700Vi manual Secondary Connection, Wireless Security Support, 802.11g Wi-Fi CF card