AMX NXD-700Vi manual Symptom Solution, Blinking and it says the USB is, Connecting, Doesn’t appear

Models: NXD-700Vi

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Appendix C: Troubleshooting


Troubleshooting Information (Cont.)











My Connection Status button isn’t

"USB Connecting" is displayed when the panel is trying to establish


blinking and it says the USB is

USB communication with the PC (either within the NetLinx Studio or



TPDesign4 applications).



• Remove the USB connector from the panel and close any AMX






• Reboot the panel.



• Launch the AMX application and attempt reconnect to the panel.



• If using Studio for Virtual Master communication, establish a Virtual



Master connection, verify the correct System number, stop



communication with the Virtual Master, and then re-establish



communication by refreshing the system.



• After the panel powers-up, reconnect the USB connector to the






• Verify that you have a valid USB connection from within your System








My on-screen mouse cursor

• The USB connections are not detected until after the particular USB


doesn’t appear.

connection plugged into the corresponding port on the panel and



power is cycled to the panel.





Calibration is not working.

• After the Modero touch panel has been updated with a new firmware



kit (downloaded to the panel through NetLinx Studio), the calibration



could need to be reset.



• Cycling power to the panel should provide a baseline calibration for



the particular touch panel. Proceed to the Calibration page and reset



the on-screen calibration.





Panel doesn’t respond to my

• The protective cover acts to press on the entire LCD and makes



calibration difficult because the user can’t calibrate on specific



crosshairs when the sheet is pressing on the whole LCD.



• Verify that the protective laminate coating on the LCD is removed



before beginning any calibration process.





There is a crawling, dashed line on

• On some units at some resolutions, there are wavy lines across the


the left border of the graphics.

entire screen. This has been seen on middle resolutions and is



referred to as the "Mid Range Fallout" problem.



• This is due to the graphics controller settings in the firmware.



• Update to the latest v2.XX.XX firmware.



• Visit the > Tech Center > Downloadable Files >



Firmware Files > Modero panels. Then Download the KIT file to



your computer.





7" Modero Widescreen Touch Panels




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AMX NXD-700Vi Symptom Solution, Blinking and it says the USB is, Connecting, My on-screen mouse cursor, Doesn’t appear