AMX NXD-700Vi manual G4 Web Control Settings

Models: NXD-700Vi

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Firmware Pages and Descriptions

G4 Web Control Page

An on-board VNC (Virtual Network Computing) server allows the panel to connect to any remote PC running a VNC client. Once connected, the client can view and control the panel remotely. The options on this page allow you to enable/disable G4 Web Control functionality(FIG. 77).

FIG. 77 G4 Web Control page

Features on this page include:

G4 Web Control Page


Saves all changes and returns to the previous page.



Connection Status icon:

The icon in the upper-right corner of each Setup page provides a constant


visual indication of current connection status.


Note: a Lock appears on the icon if the panel is connected to a secured NetLinx





G4 Web Control Settings:

Sets the IP communication values for the touch panel:




The Enable/Enabled button allows you to toggle between the two G4 activation




Enable - deactivates G4 Web Control on the panel.


Enabled - activates G4 Web Control on the panel.



Network Interface Select

Displays “Wireless” when the panel is communicating via a Wireless Access


Point (WAP).



Web Control Name

Use this field to enter a unique alpha-numeric string to be used as the panel’s


display name within the Manage WebControl Connections window of the


NetLinx Security browser window.



Web Control Password

Use this field to enter the G4 Authentication session password required for


VNC access to the panel.



Web Control Port

Enter the number of the port used by the VNC Web Server. Default = 5900.



Maximum Number of

Displays the maximum number of users that can be simultaneously connected


to this panel via VNC. Default = 1.



Current Connection Count

Displays the number of users currently connected to this panel via VNC.




7" Modero Widescreen Touch Panels

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AMX NXD-700Vi manual G4 Web Control Settings