AMX NXD-700Vi manual Identity, Password

Models: NXD-700Vi

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Firmware Pages and Descriptions



EAP-LEAP Settings (Cont.)





Opens an on-screen keyboard. Enter an EAP Identity string (used by the


panel to identify itself to an Authentication (RADIUS) Server).


Note: This information is similar to a username used to login to a secured


server or workstation. This works in tandem with the Password string which is


similar to the password entered to gain access to a secured workstation. Typ-


ically, this is in the form of a username such as:




Opens an on-screen keyboard. Enter the network password string specified


for the user entered within the Identity field (used by the panel to identify itself


to an Authentication (RADIUS) Server)


Note: This information is similar to the password entered to gain access to a


secured workstation.




Save - store the new security information, apply changes, and return to the


previous page.


Cancel - discard changes and return to the previous page.



7" Modero Widescreen Touch Panels




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AMX NXD-700Vi manual Identity, Password