AMX NXD-700Vi manual Configuring Communication, Modero Setup and System Settings

Models: NXD-700Vi

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Configuring Communication

Configuring Communication

Communication between the Modero panel and the Master is done using either USB or ETHERNET (DHCP or Static IP). Ethernet communication can be achieved through either a direct connection (Ethernet) or through the use of the optional NXA-WC802.11GCF wireless CF card.

Before commencing, verify you are using the latest NetLinx Master and Modero panel firmware. Verify you are using the latest versions of AMX’s NetLinx Studio and TPDesign4 programs.

USB input devices must be plugged into the rear or side USB connectors before the G4 panel is powered-up. The panel will not detect a USB connection of this type until after the unit cycles power.

Modero Setup and System Settings

AMX Modero panels feature on-board Setup pages. Use the options in the Setup pages to access panel information and make various configuration changes.

Accessing the Setup and Protected Setup Pages

1.Press the grey Front Setup Access button for 3 seconds to open the Setup page (FIG. 24).

Connection Status

Red Connection Status icon - indicates no connection to a Master

Green Connection Status icon - indicates communication

to a Master

Battery Base button doesn’t appear until NXT is connected to a BASE/1

FIG. 24 Setup page

2.Press the Protected Setup button. This invokes a keypad for entry of the password to allow access to the Protected Setup page. Enter 1988 (the default password), and press Done to proceed.

Clearing Password #5, from the initial Password Setup page, removes the need for you to enter the default password before accessing the Protected Setup page.

7" Modero Widescreen Touch Panels




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AMX NXD-700Vi Configuring Communication, Modero Setup and System Settings, Accessing the Setup and Protected Setup Pages