AMX NXD-700Vi manual Sensor Setup Page Elements

Models: NXD-700Vi

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Firmware Pages and Descriptions

Sensor Setup

The Sensor Setup page (FIG. 79) allows you to adjust the Light and Motion Sensor parameters on a Modero touch panel.

FIG. 79 Sensor Setup page

A light level value between the Minimum and Maximum DIM Mode values delivers an average light level. The DIM mode Min Level can never exceed the DIM Mode Max Level.

The elements of the Sensor Setup page are described in the table below:

Sensor Setup Page Elements


Saves the changes and returns you to the previously active touch panel page.



Connection Status icon:

This visual display of the connection status allows the user to have a current


visual update of the panel’s connection status regardless of what page is


currently active.


• A Lock only appears on the icon if the panel has established a connection


with a currently secured target Master (requiring a username and password).




7" Modero Widescreen Touch Panels

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AMX NXD-700Vi manual Sensor Setup Page Elements