AMX NXD-700Vi manual Upgrading the Modero Firmware via Ethernet IP Address

Models: NXD-700Vi

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Upgrading Modero Firmware

Upgrading the Modero Firmware via Ethernet (IP Address)

Before beginning with this section, verify that your panel is powered and connected to the NetLinx Master through an Ethernet connection (direct or wireless).

Step 1: Prepare the Master for communication via an IP

1.Obtain the IP Address of the NetLinx Master from your System Administrator. If you do not have an IP Address for the Master, refer to your particular Master’s instruction manual for more information on obtaining this IP Address using NetLinx Studio 2.x.

From the Online Tree tab of the Workspace window, select the NetLinx Master.

Follow steps outlined in either the Obtaining or Assigning the Master’s IP Address sections from your particular NetLinx Master instruction manual to use an address.

Note the IP Address and Gateway information.

2.Launch NetLinx Studio 2.x (default location is Start > Programs > AMX Control Disc > NetLinx Studio 2 > NetLinx Studio 2).

3.Select Settings > Master Communication Settings from the Main menu to open the Master Communication Settings dialog (FIG. 50).

FIG. 50 Assigning Master Communication Settings and TCP/IP Settings

4.Click the Communications Settings button to open the Communications Settings dialog.

5.Click on the NetLinx Master radio button (from the Platform Selection section) to indicate you are working with a NetLinx Master (such as the NXC-ME260/64 or NI-Series of Integrated Controllers).

6.Click on the TCP/IP radio button (from the Transport Connection Option section) to indicate you are connecting to the Master through an IP Address.

7.Click the Edit Settings button (on the Communications Settings dialog) to open the TCP/IP Settings dialog (FIG. 50). This dialog contains a series of previously entered IP Address/URLs and their associated names, all of which are stored within Studio and are user-editable.

7" Modero Widescreen Touch Panels




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AMX NXD-700Vi manual Upgrading the Modero Firmware via Ethernet IP Address, Prepare the Master for communication via an IP