paper selector lever external 13, 24 internal 25, 87
paper support, extending 13, 24 paper type, indicating 30, 77, 118,
119, 121
part numbers list
password for network printer usage 45, 47
Pattern halftoning option 32, 38, 83 PICT/PICT2 format files, watermarks
and 36, 81
pictures do not print, troubleshooting 80 pixels 96
plain paper
tips for using 49 troubleshooting 82, 83 weight recommended 26, 49, 90
platen, cleaning 63, 87 plugging in the printer 5 portrait orientation
low memory and 78 printing in 27 setting 29, 117, 118
changing the selection 70 modem and printer 11, 17, 18 serial, PowerBook computers 18
PostScript fonts described 98 downloadable 108 TrueType and 100, 106
PostScript page description language 79, 80, 98
power adapter 3, 92 PowerBook computers
internal modems and 11, 17, 18, 70 selecting the correct system profile for
ColorSync 32, 121
power button 6, 21, 72
power consumption specifications 92 power light 6, 21, 72
Power Macintosh computers, virtual memory and 4
power requirements for AC power adapter 92
safety instructions premium coated/premium plus coated
paper 26, 50, 90
printable area 91
Print command (File menu) 20,
Print dialog box 20, 30, 52, 85, 119 expanded QuickDraw GX version
printer error icon 40 printer log file 46 printer port 11, 17, 18
Printer Profile
printer software installing
print head
cleaning 30,
preventing from drying out 4, 6, 62 troubleshooting 83, 84, 86
printing. See also background printing; desktop printing; troubleshooting
adjusting color options 30,
the Color SW
envelopes 24, 25, 26, 27,
in landscape orientation 29, 117