checking if the printer is out of ink 76 reducing the amount used 53 smears when rubbed,
troubleshooting 83 ink cartridges
extending the life of 88 installing
part numbers for 93
preventing from drying out 4, 6, 62 replacing
storing 4, 62 switching 53 troubleshooting 76 unpacking 3
ink cartridge storage case 3, 4, 62 ink tanks
extending the life of 88 part numbers for 93 replacing
ink waste container 77
inserting paper into the sheet feeder. See loading the sheet feeder
installation problems, troubleshooting
Installer dialog box 15, 68, 126 Installer program
installing fonts 14
ink cartridges
printer software
interface specifications of the printer 90 interference with television and radio
reception vi internal modem on PowerBook
computers 11, 17, 18, 70 internal paper selector lever 12, 25, 87
jagged edges on printed output 96, 97 jammed or damaged paper, removing
73, 75
Key Caps desk accessory 97
labels 26
landscape orientation low memory and 78 setting 29, 117, 118
layout, adjusting 29
liquid spills in the printer 2 loading the sheet feeder
basic instructions
with various kinds of paper 26,
LocalTalk network, connecting the printer to 48
location for the printer, choosing 4 locking disks 14
log file for printer usage 46