Telling your computer to use a Color StyleWriter on a LocalTalk network
You can connect a Color StyleWriter 4500 printer directly to a LocalTalk network.
Note: If you do not need to share the printer with other users on the network, connect the printer directly to your computer with the serial cable. The printer prints faster when connected this way.
Once the printer is on the network, its name appears in the Chooser just like the names of other network printers.
Second, click the name of
your printer on this list.
First, click this icon (If necessary, use the scroll bar and arrows to find it.).
The “AT” stands for AppleTalk.
Finally, click to make
AppleTalk active.
If you want to change the name, click Setup in the dialog box that appears, type a new name, and click Rename. (Note: Anyone on the network can change the name.)
Make sure the StyleWriter 4500 shows in this
Type a new name, then
click Rename (or press Return).
Setting Up Your Printer | 17 |