radio and television reception, interference with vi
RAM. See memory Read Me file 32
reducing the printed image. See scaling removing
desktop printing software
a desktop printer icon 40 a network printer 48
repacking the printer
the ink cartridge
resetting the printer 71 resolution
of bitmapped fonts 7 specifications of the printer 89
Restart command (Special menu) 14 restarting the computer with extensions
turned off 14 RGB color system 111 rollers, cleaning 63, 87 rotated text, troubleshooting 79
safety instructions
Save command (File menu) 33 saving
energy 6 paper 37
scalable fonts 96, 97, 100 scaling
adjusting 29, 34, 117, 118 of watermarks 35, 36
Scatter halftoning option 32, 38, 52 screen fonts 97
serial cable 11
serial port on PowerBook computers 18 Set Default Printer command (Printing
menu) 39
Setup dialog box 45 shared printers
cleaning the print head and 85 print requests to 42
setting up
sheet feeder
capacity of 12, 26, 74, 90 loading
size of printer 91
software disks, unpacking 3 software requirements x sorting items waiting to print,
background printing and 43 Special menu, Restart command 14 speed of printing, increasing 53 stains on printed pages,
troubleshooting 87 standard documents, printing
stopped print queue icon 40
stopping items temporarily from printing, background printing and 43
storage case for ink cartridge 3, 4, 62 storage environment specifications 92 Stretch to Fit watermark scaling option
35, 36
stripes appear on the printed page, troubleshooting 84
styles for fonts 105 suitcases for fonts
113, 121
system requirements x