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maintenance tasks. See also safety instructions
cleaning the printer 2, 63, 87 replacing ink tanks
Matching Method
low memory indications and suggestions
required for the printer x virtual memory 4, 79
mini pages (2 or 4), printing 29, 37 modem port 11, 17, 18 moisture exposure to the printer 2 monitoring and controlling print requests
with background printing on
without desktop printers 128 Monitors control panel 113 moving a desktop printer icon 40 moving a print request to another printer,
background printing and 43 moving the printer a long distance
multipart forms 49, 82
naming fonts 100
font suitcases 104 network cable 11 networks
network zones 47, 116
Normal print quality option 30, 53, 119, 120
notification of print completion, selecting 30
nozzle test pattern, interpreting 22, 86 number of copies to print, selecting 30
opening the printer 7, 25, 56, 59, 87 operating environment specifications 92 orientation
low memory and 78 setting 29, 117, 118 output tray, opening 13, 25
packing the printer
troubleshooting 80
Page Setup command (File menu) 19, 23, 29,
Page Setup dialog box 19, 29, 37, 80, 117
expanded QuickDraw GX version 118
page setup options. See also print options
setting 23, 29,
pages to print, selecting 30 paper. See also print materials
jammed or feeding improperly
saving 37
sizes supported 91 types not to use 49, 82
types to use 26,
GX 120