Nexus 7 Guidebook MAke seARCH PeRsoN AL 29
delete or pause your Web Histo ry and still use Google No w, but
certa in kin ds of i nfor mati on, such as flig ht det ails , won ’t sho w up.
About Google now cards
A Google Now card is a short s nippet of useful infor mation that
slides into view right whe n you’re most likely to n eed it.
After you opt-in to Google N ow, you can view the se cards easily n o
matter what els e you’re do ing—just swi pe up fro m the bot tom of
your tablet or touch the Goo gle search bar on a ny Home screen.
To see some sample cards right n ow, swipe up from th e bottom of
your tablet and touch Menu > Sample cards. When yo u’re n-
ished and want to get back to the ma in Google Now scr een, touch
Hide sample cards.
Use Google now cards
To view the Now cards that are waiting f or you at any particula r
time, swipe up from the bot tom of your table t, or touch the Go ogle
search bar on any Home scre en.
Google Now displays cards w hen they are most li kely to be useful
and relevant based on the cu rrent time and you r current loca tion.
To expand that search and get add itional ones, to uch Show more
cards at the bottom of the main Googl e Now screen.
When you’re nishe d with a card , just swipe it away to dism iss it
from the Now screen. Do n’t worry – i t appears agai n when a new
update is available.