Nexus 7 Guidebook MAke seARCH PeRsoN AL 40
Send emailone or more of:
“To” & contact names,
“Cc” & contact names,
“bcc” & contact
names, “subject” &
subject text
“Message” & mes-
sage text (speak
“send email to Hugh
briss, subject, new
shoes, message, i
can’t wait to show
you my new shoes,
“note to self” Message text “Note to self: remem-
ber the milk”
“Set alarm” “Time” or “for” & tim e,
such as “10:45 a.m.”
or “20 minutes from
now,” “Label” & name
of alarm
“set alarm for 7:45
p.m., label, switch the
“Listen to” Words to s earch You-
Tube for, such as the
name of a song, artist,
or album.
“Listen to: smells Like
Teen spirit”
Search settings

To view Google search settin gs, including tho se for Google Now,

scroll to the bottom of the Goo gle Now screen an d touch Menu

> Settings.

The rst three types of se ttings are descr ibed here. For Pr ivacy &

accounts, see the next s ection.

now cards

The Now cards setting let s you turn Google Now on o r off. if you