•If the other telephones in your home or office are having the same problem, the problem is in the wiring or local service. Contact your local telephone company (charges may apply).
•If you are using the speakerphone, eliminate any background noise. Noise from a television, radio, or other appliances may cause the telephone not to dial out properly. If you cannot eliminate the background noise, first try muting the telephone before dialing, or dialing from another room in your home with less background noise.
I cannot page or make intercom calls.
•Make sure you dialed the extension correctly.
•Make sure Line 1 is connected and has the same phone number on all system phones.
•The destination telephone may be on an external call. Wait and try again.
•Make sure the Do Not Disturb function is turned off on the destination system telephone (see the DO NOT DISTURB section on the user’s manual).
•Make sure the [INTERCOM] light is off before you make a page or Intercom call. If the light is on, the system is busy or the intercom is unavailable. Try again when the intercom light goes out.
•Make sure the telephone line cord connected to line jack L1/L2 was provided with the telephone.
•Check to make sure that each telephone set has a unique extension number. If the sets receive AC power at the same time, either at initial installation or after a power failure, the extension numbers may be the same. Refer
to the EXTENSION NUMBER section on page 32.
I cannot transfer outside calls.
•If you are on a conference call with another telephone in the same system (see the Conference calls section on the user’s manual), the call cannot be transferred.
•If the destination telephone is on an outside call or intercom call with another system telephone, the call cannot be transferred.