Telephone Software and Application Files
Contents of the Settings File
After checking the application software, the 1600 Series IP Telephone looks for a 46xxsettings file. This optional file is where you identify
The following is intended only as a simple example. Your settings will vary from the settings shown. This sample assumes specification of a DNS Server and turning off enhanced local dialing for 96xx Series IP Telephones.
See Chapter 7: Administering Telephone Options for details about specific values. You need only specify settings that vary from defaults, although specifying defaults is harmless.
VLAN separation controls whether or not traffic received on the secondary Ethernet interface are forwarded on the voice VLAN and whether network traffic received on the data VLAN are forwarded to the telephone. Add commands to the 46xxsettings.txt file to enable VLAN separation. The following example assumes the voice VLAN ID is “xxx”, the data VLAN ID is “yyy” and the data traffic priority is “z”:
SET L2Q 1 (or 0 for auto) SET L2QVLAN xxx SET PHY2VLAN yyy SET PHY2PRIO z
Also configure the network switch so that 802.1Q tags are not removed from frames forwarded to the telephone.
64 Avaya 1600 Series IP Deskphones Administrator Guide