Appendices 95
3.To power down a device attached to a power device socket, choose one of the following actions:
•Select a socket that has not been powered down and select Tools - Power Off from the menu bar.
•Select a socket that has not been powered down and click the Power Off toolbar button.
The socket will power down and the icon for the socket in the content area will change.
4.To cycle the power of a device attached to a power device socket, choose one of the following actions:
•Select a socket that is powered up and select Tools - Cycle Power from the menu bar.
•Select a socket that is powered up and click the Cycle Power toolbar button.
The socket will power down, then power up and the icon for the socket in the content area will change accordingly.
5.To lock or unlock the current state of a power device socket, choose one of the following actions:
•Select a socket and select either Tools - Lock or Tools - Unlock from the menu bar.
•Select a socket and click either the Lock or Unlock toolbar button.