Computer Equipment
Basic DSR Switch Configuration DSR8035 Switch Shown
138 pages
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Restore Factory Defaults
Wiring standards
Configuring the DSR Switch
To resolve an issue
Write Access
Setting up your network
Commands Dialog Box Functions
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Image 18
DSR Switch Installer/User Guide
Figure 2.1 illustrates a basic configuration for the DSR switch, using the DSR8035 model for the example. Descriptions follow in Table 2.1.
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Figure 2.1: Basic DSR Switch Configuration (DSR8035 Switch Shown)
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Image 18
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DSR Switch
DSR Switch
Power On
Table of Contents
Web Interface Operations
Video Viewer
List of Figures
Ldap Search Page in the On-Board Web Interface
List of Tables
DSR Switch Installer/User Guide
Features and Benefits
Reduce cable bulk
Access the DSR switch via a standard TCP/IP network
Control of virtual media-capable appliances select models
DSView 3 management software plug-in
Descriptions for Figure Number
DSR Switch Installer/User Guide
DSR Switch Connectivity
Installation Overview
Basic DSR Switch Configuration DSR8035 Switch Shown
Supplied with the DSR switch
Getting started
Rack mounting safety considerations
Rack Mounting a DSR Switch
Setting up your network
Additional items needed
Connecting the DSR Switch Hardware
To install the rack mounting bracket
To connect and power up your DSR switch
To connect local virtual media
To connect a serial IQ module to a serial device
Setting up the DSView 3 software
Configuring the DSR Switch
Setting up the built-in web server
Connecting to the on-board web interface through a firewall
To configure the firewall
Verifying the Connections
Adjusting Mouse Settings on Target Devices
DSR switch
IQ and serial IQ modules
DSR Switch Installer/User Guide
Selecting a target device
Basic Operations
Viewing and selecting ports and servers
To select a target device
To soft switch to a target device
Soft switching
Viewing the status of your DSR switching system
To select the previous target device
Navigating the Oscar interface
Main Dialog Box Functions
To access the Oscar interface Main dialog box
Console, if it is password protected
Cursor within the column
Setting virtual media options
To set virtual media options
Write Access
Managing a KVM session
Mass Storage
Setup Dialog Box Functions
To access the Oscar interface Setup dialog box
To access the Oscar interface Menu dialog box
Changing the display behavior
To choose the display order of target devices
Controlling the status flag
To set a Screen Delay Time for the Oscar interface
To access the Oscar interface Flag dialog box
To change how the Oscar interface is invoked
To determine how the status flag is displayed
Oscar Interface Flag Dialog Box
To access the Oscar interface Broadcast dialog box
Selecting target devices for broadcasting
To select the target devices for broadcasting
Selecting target devices for Scan mode
To add target devices to the Scan list
Setting local port Screen Saver options
To access the Oscar interface Screen Saver dialog box
To remove a target device from the Scan list
To set the Screen Saver options
Setting the keyboard country code
To exit Screen Saver mode and log in to the local port
To immediately activate the screen saver
To set the keyboard country code for Sun servers
10 Oscar Interface Keyboard Dialog Box
Configuring network settings
To set the Ethernet Mode
To enable or disable the Ping Response
To configure the IP address
Configuring the DSView 3 server IP address
Configuring the IP address
To configure the DSView 3 server IP address
To access the Oscar interface Devices dialog box
Assigning device types
To access the Oscar interface Names dialog box
Assigning target device names
To assign a device type
To assign names to target devices
16 Oscar Interface Names Dialog Box
Commands Dialog Box Functions
To access the Oscar interface Commands dialog box
To list target devices alphabetically by name
Enabling or disabling Scan mode
Enabling or disabling Broadcasting
Viewing and disconnecting user connections
To view current user connections
To disconnect a user
Displaying version information
To display version information
21 Oscar Interface Version Dialog Box
Resetting your PS/2 keyboard and mouse
To enable or disable USB
To reset the PS/2 mouse and keyboard values
Sending a ping request
To send a ping request
DSR Switch Installer/User Guide
Overview of the DSR Switch On-Board Web Interface
Web Interface Operations
To log in to the DSR switch on-board web interface
Viewing and Selecting Ports and Servers
DSR Explorer Window
Using the side navigation bar
Web Interface Operations
Using the top option bar
Launching a KVM Session
Upgrading IQ modules
Managing the DSR Switch On-Board Web Interface
To disconnect an active KVM session administrator only
To launch a KVM session from the DSR Explorer
Managing USB speed
Rebooting the appliance
Access levels
Managing local accounts
To edit a user account administrator or active user only
To add a new user account administrator only
To delete a user account administrator only
Preemption levels
To configure virtual media in the on-board web interface
Configuring virtual media Virtual media session settings
To change the default preemption level administrator only
Virtual Media Session Settings Description
Web Interface Operations
Viewing and changing appliance configuration information
Managing Device Properties
Viewing Appliance Information To do this Select this
Power Controlling Target Devices
To configure Ldap authentication priority parameters
Configuring Ldap
Ldap authentication priority
Ldap Overview parameters
To configure Ldap server parameters
Ldap Search parameters
To configure Ldap search parameters
Ldap Search Page in the On-Board Web Interface
Ldap Query parameters
To configure Ldap query parameters
Appliance and Target Device Query Modes
Active Directory KVM User
Active Directory KVM Appliance Admin
Setting up Active Directory for performing queries
To set up group queries
DSR Switch Installer/User Guide
Video Viewer
Video Viewer Window
Session time-out
Video Viewer Window Features
To enable, disable or configure the session time-out
To launch a KVM session from the DSR Explorer window
Video Viewer
To change the Video Viewer window resolution
Setting the window size
Adjusting the view
Changing the toolbar
To enable or disable Full Screen mode
To align the mouse cursors
To refresh the screen
To enable full or manual scaling
Adjusting color depth
Additional video adjustment
To manually adjust the video quality of the window
Target video settings
Detection thresholds
Automatic video adjustment
Contrast and brightness
Block Noise Threshold and Pixel Noise Threshold
Video Test Pattern
Adjusting mouse options
Refresh Image
Cursor type
To exit Single Cursor mode
To enter Single Cursor mode
To select a key for exiting Single Cursor mode
To change the mouse cursor setting
Mouse alignment and synchronization
Vendor-specific video settings
Mouse scaling
To set mouse scaling
Avocent Mouse Sync
To realign the mouse
To set Avocent Mouse Sync from the Video Viewer
Using Virtual Media
Sharing and preemption considerations
Virtual Media dialog box
Opening a virtual media session
To launch a virtual media session
To map a virtual media drive
Video Viewer Virtual Media Dialog Box
To reset all USB devices on the target device
To unmap a virtual media drive
To display virtual media drive details
To close the Virtual Media dialog box
Using Keyboard Pass-through
Closing a virtual media session
To specify keyboard pass-through
Using Macros
Saving the View
Closing a Video Viewer Window Session
To configure network settings using the Console menu
Network Configuration
To connect a terminal to the DSR switch
Console Menu
Console Main Menu
Other Console Main Menu Options
Security Configuration
Console Password
Unbind from DSView 3 Server
Reset Appliance
Enable Debug Messages
Restore Factory Defaults
Firmware Management
Appendix a Flash Upgrades
Using the DSView 3 software
Using the Console menu interface
To upgrade the DSR switch firmware
Using the on-board web interface
Recovering from a failed Flash upgrade
To recover from a failed Flash upgrade
Appendix B Using the DSR Remote Operations Software
DSView 3 Software Server Authentication
To install the DSR Remote Operations software
Before using the DSR Remote Operations software
Installing the DSR Remote Operations software
Minimum requirements for the DSR Remote Operations software
To start the DSR Remote Operations software
Using the DSR Remote Operations software
Window features
To exit the DSR Remote Operations software
Servers view
Power view
Version view
To reboot the switch
Rebooting a switch
Power control of devices attached to power device sockets
Managing servers
Appendix C Using Serial IQ Modules
Configuring the serial IQ module
Serial IQ module modes
Creating a serial IQ module macro
Using History mode
To configure a serial IQ module
To create a macro
Serial IQ module pinouts
To use History mode
Signal Flow SRL Signal Name Description Pin
Table C.1 Serial IQ Module Pinouts DB9-F
Appendix D UTP Cabling
Wiring standards
Table D.1 UTP Wiring Standards Pin
UTP copper cabling
Cabling installation, maintenance and safety tips
Figure E.2 Console/Setup Jack
Appendix E Cable Pinout Information
Table E.2 Descriptions for Figure E.2 Pin Number
Setup Port
Appendix F Technical Specifications
Network Connection
USB Device Port
Serial Power Control SPC Port
Power Supply
Modem Port
Safety and EMC Standards
Approvals and Markings
Table F.2 DSR1021/1022 Switch Product Specifications
Safety and EMC Approvals
Table F.3 DSR1024 Switch Product Specifications Setup Port
Table F.3 DSR1024 Switch Product Specifications
AC-input Cable
Number Type PS/2, USB and VGA
Table F.5 DSR1031 Switch Product Specifications Server Ports
Table F.5 DSR1031 Switch Product Specifications
Table F.5 DSR1031 Switch Product Specifications Power Supply
Safety and EMC
Table F.6 DSR2035/8035 Switch Product Specifications
DSR Switch Installer/User Guide
Appendix G Sun Advanced Key Emulation
DSR Switch Installer/User Guide
To resolve an issue
Appendix H Technical Support
DSR Switch Installer/User Guide
DSR Switch Installer/User Guide
For Technical Support