6-32 Keypad Programming MN1854

Read a 4 Digit BCD number, 2 Digits at a time

[GET 4 BCDS] Returns value of 4 digit BCD number
OT01 Connect ground of first two BCD digits
(4 DIGIT BCD)=(2TW)*100 Make value of first two digits the MSB
OT10 Connect ground of 2nd two BCD digits
(4 DIGIT BCD)=(4 DIGIT BCD)+(2TW) Add value of 2nd two to 1st two * 100

Reading an Analog Input Value

The value of the analog system variables (Al I AI6) are scaled from 14,400 to 72,000 Hz.
This value is actually a scaled frequency read from the OPTO module representing the
analog signal. These input values are updated every 16 milliseconds. If your program
needs to display this value in units such as VOLTS, you will need to scale the value to
VOLTS in your program. The scaling factor depends upon the type of OPTO module used.
For example: a J thermocouple uses a different factor than a K thermocouple. Due to
slight variances in the output frequency from module to module, it is recommended that the
OPTO be calibrated by querying the corresponding AIx value with no input signal connected
to the OPTO. This value should be used as the zero input reference frequency.
Example: Use a 010VDC analog input. 0V=14,400; 10V=72,000 or 5.760 Hz/volt.
(VOLT)=(AI2) Read the value of analog input #2 into variable volts
(VOLT)=(VOLT)14400 Remove frequency offset
(VOLT)=(VOLT)*1.736 Scaling factor multiplied. by 10,000
(VOLT=(VOLT)*.0001 Scaling back to volts
The variable (VOLT) is now in units of volts. If you are waiting for a condition to occur or
doing a comparison, (see below) there is no need to go through the conversion process.
(TEMP)=(AI9) Read in temperature from analog input
WT(AI12)<45000 GO Wait for analog input 12 <45000 (<5.3 VDC using the
previous example) before moving
IF(AI12)<45000 GO EB Go if analog input 12 < 45000
Value Max
Input Signal
80 72