4. Getting started
Thetotal lifetime of the lamp for a safe operation is “x” hours max, do not use it longer. Alwaysreplace with a same type of lamp.
Calla BARC O authorizedservice technician for lamp replacement.
iQ Pro x(Maxlampruntime,inhours)
210L 6000
350 3000
500 1500
Maximumruntime for the different iQ Pro projectors
Whenthe lamp runtime reaches “x” hours the projector switches automatically to the other lamp, being lamp2.. followingmessages
are displayed during and after switching.
Image4-6 Image4-7
When lamp2 at its turn reaches x-30 hours, a warning message appears on thescreen.
warningmessage in case of a IQ300 series projector
Atthe end ofthe lifetime of lamp2 (xhours) the projector generates an alert message.
Acountd own time of 4 minutes is triggered before the projector is shut down (standby).
Ifthe lamp runtime has not been reset, the alertmessage will reappear at the next start up (with again 4 minutes countdown time).
Thisalert message canbe escaped with MENU or BACK, but the countdown continues.
Contact a qualified Barco technician for lamp replacement.
InDual mode the lamp end o flifetimes are rea ched at the same time, however if in dual lamp mode one lamp
hasbeen used more than the other (for example if the projector has been working temporarily in single mode),
one lamp will reach its end of lifetime sooner than the other lamp, which brings us to the Single mode oper-
WARNING:Usinga lamp f or more than x hours is dangerous as the lamp could explode.
Thelamp runtim e reset as well as the lamp replacement can only be done by a Barco authorized technician.
4.5 Lamp errorWhat happens in case of a lamp error ?
Whena lamp error occurs in dual mode, a dialogbox is displayed informing the user of the steps to be taken.
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