Fig. 8.7
On the IT-2000 the backlight can be turned on and off by means of Fn + '7'. Namely, the backlight
status can be changed not only from the application program but also by the user's operation.
This operation on the simulator can be performed by clicking on the corresponding position on the
monitor screen. As shown in the above figure, there is a radio button to mimic the backlight, which
allows the current setup to be modified if the button is clicked on by the mouse.
Installation method
Copy SysCall.DLL for simulation in the Windows System directory of the personal computer. As
explained already, SysCall.DLL for the actual terminal and SysCall.DLL for simulation have the
identical file name. Exercise care not to copy the other file.
Monitor window
The following figure shows the relationship between the monitor window and system library. But,
all the accesses to the system library can not be monitored with this window.
For example, SYS_SetResumeCondition and alarm-related services are not included. It is not of
course true that the simulator does not support these functions being not displayed. The reason is
that the monitor window is designed to display the selected items necessary for application
development so that the display area looks neatly organized.