Chapter 3 Building the Network
3.5.7 Deleting NEs
Aside from using the Domain Explorer to remove an
Note Shut down the CTM server and all CTM clients before running the prune_ne.sh script.
Step 1 In the Domain Explorer tree, select the NE that will be removed.
Step 2 In the Status tab of the Network Element Properties pane, set the Operational State field to Out of Service; then, click Save.
Step 3 Close the CTM client.
Step 4 Log into the CTM server as the root user and enter the following command to stop the server:
Step 5 Enter the following command to verify that all CTM processes have stopped:
a.If any processes are still running, enter the following command:
Step 6 Change the directory to /opt/CiscoTransportManagerServer/bin and enter the following command:
prune_ne.sh <NE_name>
Step 7 Enter the following command to start the CTM server: Removing a Deleted NE
Step 1 In the Domain Explorer tree, click the Deleted Network Elements group.
Step 2 Click the NE that will be removed from the CTM domain.
Step 3 Choose Edit > Delete; then, click Yes. This removes the NE from the client view and deletes all records associated with the NE from the database.
Cisco Transport Manager Release 6.0 User Guide
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