User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 33 Configuring Policy Objects for Remote Access VPNs
Add or Edit Bookmarks Dialog Boxes
Add and Edit Post Parameter Dialog Boxes
Use the Add and Edit Post Parameter dialog boxes to create a new Post parameter entry or edit an existing
one in the table. For a detailed discussion of Post parameters, see Using the Post URL Method and Macro
Substitutions in SSL VPN Bookmarks, page 30-72.
Navigation Path
In the Policy Object Manager, from the Add and Edit Bookmark Entry Dialog Boxes, right-click inside
the Post Parameters table, then select Add Row or right-click a row, then select Edit Row.
Related Topics
Configuring SSL VPN Bookmark Lists for ASA and IOS Devices, page30-70
Using the Post URL Method and Macro Substitutions in SSL VPN Bookmarks, page 30-72
Field Reference
Post Parameters The list of the names and values of the Post parameters for the
bookmark entry.
To add a parameter, click the Add button and fill in the Add Post
Parameter dialog box (see Add and Edit Post Parameter Dialog
Boxes, page 33-36).
To edit a parameter, select it and click the Edit button.
To delete a parameter, select it and click the Delete button.
Post Script An optional field for entering JavaScript required by some applications.
Some Web applications, such as Microsoft Outlook Web Access, may
execute a JavaScript to change the request parameters before the log-on
form is submitted.
Table33-22 Add and Edit Bookmark Entry Dialog Boxes (Continued)
Element Description
Table33-23 Add and Edit Post Parameter Dialog Boxes
Element Description
Name The name of the post parameter exactly as defined in the corresponding
HTML form. For example, param_name in <input
name=“param_name” value=“param_value”>.
Value The value of the post parameter exactly as defined in the corresponding
HTML form. For example, param_value in <input
name=“param_name” value=“param_value”>.