User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 60 Router Device Administration
SNMP Policy Page
Permission Dialog Box
Use the Permission dialog box to define the community string and string type required by the SNMP
policy. The community string is an embedded password for accessing the Management Information Base
(MIB) that stores operational data about the router.
Navigation Path
Go to SNMP Policy Page, page 60-69, then click the Add or Edit button beneath the Permissions table.
Related Topics
SNMP Policy Page, page 60-69
Trap Receiver Dialog Box, page 60-71
SNMP Traps Dialog Box, page 60-72
Defining SNMP Agent Properties, page 60-67
SNMP on Cisco IOS Routers, page 60-66
Field Reference
SNMP Server Properties The name and contact information of the system administrator
responsible for the SNMP server/agent (that is, the router). The person
managing the SNMP host can use this information when tracking down
the source of unusual events.
The maximum length of each of these properties is 255 characters,
including spaces.
Note The values entered in these fields are text-only and do not affect
the operation of the router.
Configure Traps button Opens a dialog box for selecting which SNMP traps the router should
generate. See SNMP Traps Dialog Box, page 60-72.
Table60-29 SNMP Page (Continued)
Element Description
Table60-30 Permission Dialog Box
Element Description
Community String The community string for accessing the router’s MIB. String length
ranges from 1 to 128 characters.
Access Control Lists Applies only to routers running Cisco IOS Software Release 12.3(2)T
and up (T-train) or any 12.4 version.
The standard ACL containing the IP addresses that can access the
router’s MIB. Defining an ACL provides an additional layer of security
by limiting the source addresses that can make use of the community
Enter the name of a standard ACL object, or click Select to select the
object from a list or to create a new one.