User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter 60 Router Device Administration
SNMP Policy Page
SNMP Policy Page
Use the SNMP page to configure the parameters necessary to send traps from the router to a designated
SNMP host. These traps are unsolicited messages that notify the SNMP host of important events
occurring on the router.
For more information, see Defining SNMP Agent Properties, page 60-67.
Navigation Path
(Device view) Select Platform > Device Admin > Device Access > SNMP from the Policy selector.
(Policy view) Select Router Platform > Device Admin > Device Access > SNMP from the Policy
Type selector. Right-click SNMP to create a policy, or select an existing policy from the Shared
Policy selector.
Related Topics
SNMP on Cisco IOS Routers, page 60-66
Table Columns and Column Heading Features, page1-46
Filtering Tables, page1-45
Field Reference
Table60-29 SNMP Page
Element Description
Permissions table
Community String The community string used for accessing the router’s MIB.
Type The community string type—read-only or read-write.
ACL The standard ACL that defines the IP addresses permitted to access the
router’s MIB.
Add button Opens the Permission Dialog Box, page 60-70. From here you can enter
the community string and type required to generate traps.
Edit button Opens the Permission Dialog Box, page60-70. From here you can edit
the selected permissions profile.
Delete button Deletes the selected permissions profiles from the table.
Trap Receiver table
Host IP Address The IP address of the SNMP host receiving the traps generated by the
SNMP Version The SNMP version being used by the router.
UDP Port The UDP port that is being used by the SNMP host.
Add button Opens the Trap Receiver Dialog Box, page60-71. From here you can
define the SNMP host that receives the traps generated by the router.
Edit button Open the Trap Receiver Dialog Box, page 60-71. From here you can
edit the selected SNMP host.
Delete button Deletes the selected SNMP hosts from the table.
Additional fields and buttons