User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Managing Reports
Use the Report Manager application to view security and usage reports for devices and remote access
IPsec and SSL VPNs.
This chapter contains the following topics:
Understanding Report Management, page 67-1
Overview of Report Manager, page67-6
Understanding the Predefined System Reports in Report Manager, page67-13
Working with Reports in Report Manager, page67-18
Scheduling Reports, page 67-27
Troubleshooting Report Manager, page67-31

Understanding Report Management

Use the Report Manager application to view security and usage reports for devices and remote access
IPsec and SSL VPNs. These reports can provide useful information about your network.
The Report Manager aggregates information that is collected from monitored devices by the Event
Manager service. Thus, to view reports about a device, you must also be monitoring the device in Event
Viewer. Some statistics, such as VPN statistics, are obtained directly from the device through regular
polling at five minute intervals. Aggregated data is kept for 90 days with data aggregated at 15-minute,
hourly, daily, and monthly intervals; 15-minute aggregated data is kept for up to three days, hourly data
up to one week. For more information about data aggregation, see Understanding Report Manager Data
Aggregation, page 67-4.
You can use Report Manager to develop reports on the following:
Adaptive Security Appliances (ASA) running ASA Software releases 8.0 and higher. ASA Software
7.x releases are also supported for VPN reports.
Note VPN reports are not available for Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series ASA Services Modules
(ASA-SM), which do not support any VPN configuration. Other types of reports are
available for the ASA-SM.
IPS devices running IPS software release 6.1 and higher (but not IOS IPS devices). This includes
dedicated IPS modules installed in ASAs, routers, and switches.
Remote access IPsec and SSL VPNs hosted on a supported ASA device.