User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
configuring 24-41
VPN Shared Port Adapter (VPN SPA)
configuring 24-41
VPNSM/VPN SPA/VSPA Settings dialog box 32-6
VPN Summary page 24-59
VPN topologies
accessing 24-17
assigning initial policies to new 24-58
assigning shared policies 5-41
cloning device VPN assignments 3-54
cloning shared policies 5-44
configuring dial backup 24-39
configuring GET VPN peers 24-57
configuring in Device view 24-19
creating or editing 24-28
creating or editing Extranet 24-63
defining endpoints and protected networks 24-33
defining GET VPN group encryption 24-51
deleting 24-67
discovering 24-19, 24-24
full mesh 24-4
hub-and-spoke 24-2
including unmanaged or non-Cisco devices 24-11
joined hub-and-spoke 24-5
locking 5-9
naming 24-30
partial mesh 24-5
point-to-point 24-3
rediscovering 24-26
removing devices 24-32
renaming policies 5-45
repairing discovered VPNs with multiple spoke
definitions 24-25
selecting devices 24-32
tiered hub-and-spoke 24-5
unassigning policies 5-33
understanding 24-2
unsharing policies 5-40
using device overrides to customize VPN
policies 24-13
viewing summary of VPN configuration 24-59
VRF-Aware IPsec
changing on Catalyst switches and 7600 routers 24-17
configuring 24-46
one-box solution 24-14
two-box solution 24-15
understanding 24-14
VRF-Aware IPsec tab (site-to-site VPN) 24-46
VTP modes, for Catalyst switches 65-1
VTY Line dialog box 60-51
Accounting tab 60-57
Authentication tab 60-55
Authorization tab 60-56
Setup tab 60-52
WAN interface card (WIC) 59-35
Warning - Partial VPN Deployment dialog box 8-32
significance of i-lvii
Web Filter policy map objects
creating 21-35
match conditions and actions 21-34
properties 21-46
web filter rules
ACL naming conventions 12-5
converting IPv4 12-28
deleting 12-9
editing 12-9
moving 12-19
attributes (IOS) 18-13
configuring exclusive domains for IOS devices 18-10
configuring for ASA, PIX, FWSM devices 18-2
configuring for IOS devices 18-10
configuring in Map view 34-23