User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Using Inspection To Prevent Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks on IOS Devices 17-4
Configuring Inspection Rules 17-5
Inspection Rules Page 17-7
Add or Edit Inspect/Application FW Rule Wizard 17-10
Add or Edit Inspect/Application FW Rule Wizard, Step 2 17-12
Add or Edit Inspect/Application FW Rule Wizard, Inspected Protocol Page 17-16
Configure DNS Dialog Box 17-18
Configure SMTP Dialog Box 17-18
Configure ESMTP Dialog Box 17-18
Configure Fragments Dialog Box 17-19
Configure IMAP or POP3 Dialog Boxes 17-19
Configure RPC Dialog Box 17-20
Custom Protocol Dialog Box 17-20
Configure Dialog Box 17-20
Configuring Protocols and Maps for Inspection 17-21
Configuring Class Maps for Inspection Policies 17-26
Configuring DCE/RPC Maps 17-27
Configuring DNS Maps 17-28
DNS Map Protocol Conformance Tab 17-30
DNS Map Filtering Tab 17-30
DNS Class and Policy Maps Add or Edit Match Condition (and Action) Dialog Boxes 17-31
Configuring ESMTP Maps 17-34
ESMTP Policy Maps Add or Edit Match Condition and Action Dialog Boxes 17-35
Configuring FTP Maps 17-37
FTP Class and Policy Maps Add or Edit Match Condition (and Action) Dialog Boxes 17-38
Configuring GTP Maps 17-40
Add and Edit Country Network Codes Dialog Boxes 17-42
Add and Edit Permit Response Dialog Boxes 17-42
GTP Map Timeouts Dialog Box 17-43
GTP Policy Maps Add or Edit Match Condition and Action Dialog Boxes 17-43
Configuring H.323 Maps 17-45
Add or Edit HSI Group Dialog Boxes 17-47
Add or Edit HSI Endpoint IP Address Dialog Boxes 17-48
H.323 Class and Policy Maps Add or Edit Match Condition (and Action) Dialog Boxes 17-48
Configuring HTTP Maps for ASA 7.1.x, PIX 7.1.x, FWSM 3.x and IOS Devices 17-50
HTTP Map General Tab 17-51
HTTP Map Entity Length Tab 17-52
HTTP Map RFC Request Method Tab 17-54
HTTP Map Extension Request Method Tab 17-55