User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Configuring Device Access Settings on Firewall Devices
The Device Access section, located under the Device Admin folder in the Policy selector, contains pages
for defining access to firewall devices.
This chapter contains the following topics:
Configuring Console Timeout, page 48-1
HTTP Page, page 48-2
Configuring ICMP, page48-3
Configuring Management Access, page 48-5
Configuring Secure Shell Access, page 48-5
Configuring SNMP, page48-7
Telnet Page, page48-13

Configuring Console Timeout

Use the Console page to specify a timeout value for inactive console sessions. When the time limit you
specify is reached, the console session is closed.
In the Console Timeout field, enter the number of minutes a console session can remain idle before the
device closes it. Valid values are 0 to 60 minutes. To prevent a console session from timing out, enter 0.
Navigation Path
(Device view) Select Platform > Device Admin > Device Access > Console from the Device Policy
(Policy view) Select PIX/ASA/FWSM Platform > Device Admin > Device Access > Console from
the Policy Type selector. Select an existing policy from the Shared Policy selector, or create a new
Related Topics
Chapter 48, “Configuring Device Access Settings on Firewall Devices”