User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter9 Troubleshooting Device Communication and Deployment
Testing Device Connectivity
Device Connectivity Test Dialog Box
Use the Device Connectivity Test dialog box to view whether Security Manager can contact the device
using the configured credentials.
Navigation Path
To start the device connectivity test, click Test Connectivity from the Credentials page in one of these
New Device wizard when adding a device manually. See Adding Devices by Manual Definition,
page 3-25.
Device Properties. To open the page, double-click a device in the Device selector or select Tools >
Device Properties.
The connectivity test is done automatically when you click Next or Finish on the Credentials page when
adding a device from the network.
Related Topics
Testing Device Connectivity, page 9-1
Device Credentials Page, page 3-44
Viewing or Changing Device Properties, page3-39
Field Reference
Tab le 9- 1 De vi ce C on ne ct ivity Test Dialog Box
Element Description
Connectivity Protocol The transport protocol being used to log into the device. Security
Manager uses the protocol specified in the device properties for the
device, which is usually the default protocol configured on the Device
Communications page (see Device Communication Page, page 11-17).
Connectivity Status Displays the status of the test and the time elapsed since the start of the
Details button Click this button to display detailed information about the result of the
Passed tests—The details display the output of the show version
command for PIX Firewall, Adaptive Security Appliances (ASA),
Firewall Service Modules (FWSM), Cisco IOS routers, and VPN
Services Modules (VPNSM), or the output of the getVersion
command for IPS Sensors and Cisco IOS IPS Sensors. You can
copy the command output and paste it into a file for analysis.
Failed tests—The detailed error message.
Abort button Stops the connectivity test before it is completed.