User Guide for Cisco Security Manager 4.4
Chapter64 Configuring Routing Policies
RIP Routing on Cisco IOS Routers
The RIP Setup tab is displayed (see RIP Page—Setup Tab, page64-45).
Step 2 Enter the addresses of the directly connected networks whose interfaces are to receive RIP updates. You
can use a combination of addresses and network/host objects; separate addresses with commas. Click
Select to select network/host objects from a list of existing objects, or to create new network/host
objects. For more information, see Specifying IP Addresses During Policy Definition, page6-81.
Step 3 Enter the addresses of the passive interfaces, which are interfaces that should not send routing updates
to their neighbors, if any. These interfaces continue to receive RIP routing broadcasts, which they use to
populate their routing tables. Enter the names of one or more interfaces or interface roles; separate
addresses with commas. Click Select to select interface names or roles from a list of existing objects, or
to create new interface role objects. For more information, see Specifying Interfaces During Policy
Definition, page 6-70.
Step 4 (Optional) Select the Auto Summary check box to enable the automatic summarization of subnet routes
into network-level routes. Summarization reduces the size of routing tables, thereby reducing the
complexity of the network.
Disable automatic summarization when you perform routing between disconnected subnets. When
automatic summarization is turned off, subnets are advertised.
Defining RIP Interface Authentication Settings
You define neighbor authentication settings for RIP interfaces by selecting the interfaces and then
selecting an authentication type, either MD5 or clear text.
Related Topics
Defining RIP Setup Parameters, page 64-42
Redistributing Routes into RIP, page64-44
RIP Routing on Cisco IOS Routers, page 64-42
Step 1 Do one of the following:
(Device view) Select Platform > Routing > RIP from the Policy selector, then click the
Authentication tab in the work area.
(Policy view) Select Router Platform > Routing > RIP from the Policy Type selector. Select an
existing policy or create a new one, and then click the Authentication tab.
The RIP Authentication tab is displayed. See Table64-21 on page 64-46 for a description of the fields
on this tab.
Step 2 On the RIP Authentication tab, select an interface definition from the table, then click Edit, or click Add
to create a definition. The RIP Authentication dialog box appears. See Table 64-22 on page 64-47 for a
description of the fields in this dialog box.
Step 3 Enter the name of the interface or interface role for which authentication is defined, or click Select to
select an interface role from a list or to create a new one. For more information, see Specifying Interfaces
During Policy Definition, page 6-70.
Step 4 Define interface authentication (MD5 or clear text).