DI-1162/DI-1162M Remote Access Router
Index |
Access Right | 44 |
Admin[istration] Configuration | 88 |
Advanced Functions | 45 |
Age | 94 |
ARP request | 47 |
Async PPP | 12 |
Auth Type | 47 |
automatic timeout | 18 |
20 | |
Bandwidth on Demand | 46 |
Baud Rate | 12, 22 |
Boot File Name | 117 |
Boot Protocol | 117 |
Boot Server IP Address | 117 |
BootP&TFTP | 117 |
Cable for WAN Port | 123, 124, 125 |
Cables and Connectors | 123 |
Caller ID | 53, 55 |
Challenge Handshake Authentication ProtocolSee | |
CHAP | 2, 22 |
Code | 100 |
Configuration | 17 |
Configuration File | 133 |
Configuration File Example | 133 |
Connection Test | 103 |
Console | 9 |
Console program | 17 |
Console Program | 9, 17 |
CSU/DSU | 12 |
Data | 102 |
Data Compression | 2 |
default gateway | 55 |
default login | 17 |
default next hop router | 47 |
Delay | 57 |
DHCP | 2, 58 |
Diagnostic | 103 |
Diagnostic port | 9 |
Diagnostic Port | 123 |
Diagnostics | 7 |
Dial on Demand | 48 |
Dial On Demand | 2 |
46, 51 | |
13 | |
47 | |
46 | |
| 46, 48 |
46 | |
dialing out | 13 |
13 | |
46 | |
47 | |
Direction | 54 |
DNS | 84 |
DNS Cache State | 84 | |
DNS Configuration | 84 | |
DNS Domain Name | 84 | |
DNS IP | 60 | |
Domain Name | 60 | |
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol | .................... 2 | |
Dynamic IP Pool | 59 | |
Dynamic NAPT | 79 | |
Dynamic NAT | 79 | |
EEPROM | 17 | |
123 | ||
123 | ||
Event/Error Log | 99 | |
Execute Bootload | 117, 118 | |
Expansion Slot | 1 | |
External MAC Address | 19 | |
Factory Reset | 109, 118 | |
Filter Configuration | 62 | |
Filter State of Interface | 63 | |
firewall | 74 | |
flash memory | 116 | |
Flash memory | 17 | |
Forward DNS queries to | 84 | |
Forwarding (LAN) | 27 | |
FTP servers | 81 | |
Gateway | 30, 41, 43, 60 | |
Gateway address | 47 | |
Gateway IP address | 75 | |
Get My IP | 57 | |
Get Srv IP | 57 | |
Global Interface | 78 | |
global IP address | 74 | |
heat dissipation | 8 | |
Hops | 30, 41, 43 | |
Host Name | 85 | |
ICMP | 68 | |
Idle Time | 53 | |
IGMP | 28 | |
image file | 116 | |
impostor | 72 | |
Initial Configuration | 9, 17 | |
Installation | 5 | |
Installation Requirements | 3 | |
Interface | 47, 54 | |
Interface Configuration | 19, 46 | |
Internet | 3, 12, 47 | |
IP Address | 25, 27, 39, 43, 45, 73, 115 | |
IP Address Supply | 53 | |
IP Addresses | 129 | |
IP Concepts | 129 | |
IP Filter | 63, 66 | |
IP Multicasting | 28 | |
IP Network Classes | 129 | |
IP Port Numbers | 131 | |
IP Protocol | 131 |